YASRV (Yet Another Struts RCE Vulnerability) yes a different one from yesterday
Yesterday saw CVE-2017-9805, today we have a new remote code execution vulnerability in Apache Struts 2 which is CVE-2017-12611. Yesterdays was in the REST API and related to Java XML unsafe deserializarion. Todays relates to using Freemarker in your application. Both should encourage you to patch.
Current versions are Struts 2.3.34 and Struts 2.5.13.
Adrien de Beaupré, SANS Instructor and #SEC642 Co-author
Equifax breach
Equifax, one of the major credit bureaus in the USA has announced a breach that occurred in July. At 143 Million persons affected and considering the type of data this is significant. Canadians may have been affected as well.
SANS's Securing the Human project has a nice summary for Security Teams / Awareness Officers / CISOs - What to communicate about the Equifax hack.