Fileless Powershell Dropper
I found an interesting Powershell script that drops a malware on the victim's computer. The dropped malware is not new (It's kinda old, though) but the dropper has a very low Virustotal score. The script was detected by one of my hunting rules on VT. It is called "autopowershell.ps1" and has only a score of 3/61 (SHA256:3750576978bfd204c5ac42ee70fb5c21841899878bacc37151370d23e750f8c4)[1]. By "fileless", it means that the malware tries to reduce at the minimum interactions with the file system. But, to achieve persistence, it must write something on the disk. Most of the time, it's done through registry keys. That's what happens with this sample:
Suspicious keys are stored in "HKCU\Software\Classes\QDSbIMUygFKR". Note that key names are not randomized, which makes them very interesting IOCs.
In "MSIQ", we find another Powershell script that will be used for persistence.
In "{08CA0AB0-E83C-4BA2-B013-B6359F962B16}", we find the encrypted payload
In "{62352566-EB1A-4C27-81FD-DDEE4E4CFF50}", we find the key to decrypt the payload
The second Powershell script will extract another Base64-encoded script that provides all the classic functions to perform ReflectivePEInjection from PowerSploit[2]. The injected payload is read from the registry, decrypted and injected. It's a DLL file with a VT score of 30/62 (SHA256:9b3e2e56863fc5a85c5c9f16a82a55c5bc88f5ed049f2e8b21e4e8895e25ec21)[3]. Nothing new, it was first uploaded in 2020!
Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant
Reverse-Engineering Malware: Malware Analysis Tools and Techniques | Singapore | Jun 30th - Jul 5th 2025 |
In "{08CA0AB0-E83C-4BA2-B013-B6359F962B16}", we find the encrypted payload
In "{08CA0AB0-E83C-4BA2-B013-B6359F962B16}", we find the key to decrypt the payload
Oct 18th 2022
2 years ago
I just fixed it!
Oct 18th 2022
2 years ago
The PowerShell loader is -- --
9b3e2e56863fc5a85c5c9f16a82a55c5bc88f5ed049f2e8b21e4e8895e25ec21 -- (e.dll) -- also appears to be similar and include code found in the -- bff21cbf95da5f3149c67f2c0f2576a6de44fa9d0cb093259c9a5db919599940 -- -- sample from that Trend blog post's PowMet -- e27f417b96a33d8449f6cf00b8306160e2f1b845ca2c9666081166620651a3ae
Oct 18th 2022
2 years ago
Oct 18th 2022
2 years ago
Oct 20th 2022
2 years ago