"Free" exchange rate conversion

Published: 2006-03-08. Last Updated: 2006-03-08 08:59:32 UTC
by Daniel Wesemann (Version: 1)
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This one is for our readers in Europe... If one of your users should be searching for a "currency" or "exchange rate" conversion tool with one of the more popular search engines, chances are he/she will end up on a link or site like this one

Maybe it's best if you don't go there now - we can't vouch for what the page does once they become aware that their "tool" is mentioned in our diary. What the page used to do as of 10min ago is present the user with a lovely, extensive and complete list of currencies and exchange rates to convert from and to. All for free. The only catch being, the user gets the "result" of his calculation as ... an EXE download

The download contains what some of the AV vendors refer to as Dropped:Trojan.Downloader and Trojan.Muldrop.  If you are using any sort of URL filter, web-url.de and wechselkursrechner.de should maybe be part of your filter list if exe downloads make it past your perimeter otherwise.

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