Snort rule update

Published: 2006-09-15. Last Updated: 2006-09-16 03:07:38 UTC
by Joel Esler (Version: 1)
0 comment(s)
Sourcefire's VRT has published rules to catch attacks targeting the following vulnerabilities:

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-054 Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-053 Microsoft Indexing Service
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-008 Microsoft Web Client Service (Webdav)
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-007 The Microsoft Windows Operating system suffers from a Denial of Service (DoS) condition that is present when handling malformed IGMPv3 data

Also Snort was published today that includes a new DNS preprocessor that will catch:
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-041 The Microsoft Windows DNS Client

Get your fresh Snort rule updates here.  For complete information about the rule pack, please go here.  Finally, to download Snort, go here.

Update #1
Joel Esler, from 35,000ft in the air, has added a note to this story, and that is...

The above listed rules, available from Sourcefire, are subscription only at this time.  After a period of time they will be available to the public, for free.

For Joel Esler,

Tony Carothers
Handler on Duty

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