Tool updates
Rather than do 4 one-liners in a row, I'll just do this one regular story. A number of our favorite tools have been updated recently.
Wireshark v1.2.4 was released a week ago, "this release fixes a problem with some interface drivers on Windows and a problem saving RTP streams." The latest dev version v1.3.2 was released yesterday.
Truecrypt v6.3 was released a month ago and 6.3a Monday. The 6.3a fixes some bugs, the 6.3 release provides support for Windows 7 and OS X 10.6.
Xplico v0.5.3 was released last week. They have added support for Solaris snoop packet captures. They've added DNS, NNTP, PPPOE dissectors among other things.
NetworkMiner v0.91 just came out, too. I haven't found any release notes on what changed yet with this release.
Jim Clausing, jclausing --at-- isc [dot] sans (dot) org
Reverse-Engineering Malware: Malware Analysis Tools and Techniques | Online | Australia Eastern Standard Time | Sep 16th - Sep 21st 2024 |