OpenX Ad-Server Vulnerability
A vulnerability in some "random ad server" software wouldn't be terrible big news, but in this case I decided to spent a couple minutes on it. OpenX is somewhat popular, and used by various sites to server ads. Not only that... the vulnerability is actively being exploited. And to make things worse: The site is down, so you can't download a patch or any details "direct from the source".
We have seen compromised ad servers being used in the past to inject malicious content into various "trusted" pages and I am a bit afraid that we will see some of this with these OpenX vulnerabilities.
For more details:
(thanks to David of Sucuri for the heads up)
Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute
Application Security: Securing Web Apps, APIs, and Microservices | Orlando | Apr 13th - Apr 18th 2025 |