Do You Remember the SUBST Command?
I had to test a program on Windows using a particular drive letter.
So I was thinking of mounting an ISO file, or a VeraCrypt volume, and have a drive with that particular drive letter on my machine. And then I remember something ... old ... really old.
Back in the early nineties, I often had to do something similar on MS DOS. I used the SUBST command.
It still exists on Windows. You provide an unused drive letter and a path on an existing drive, and voilà:
Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP
Keywords: subst
3 comment(s)
For example, the V: drive is where I keep documents. The underlying folder is C:\!ken1\!documents.
May 25th 2019
5 years ago
May 29th 2019
5 years ago
May 30th 2019
5 years ago