Zeroday Emergency Response Team (ZERT)

Published: 2006-09-22. Last Updated: 2006-09-22 15:48:54 UTC
by Ed Skoudis (Version: 1)
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Several readers have written to us about the newly formed Zeroday Emergency Response Team (ZERT).  It looks like they will endeavor to create, test, and distribute patches (yes, we know about all the controversies of third-party patches... so please don't flood us with rants for or against them).  Still, we find the ZERT concept interesting, and thought you might want to read about it.  You can read more about ZERT and the people running it an article by eWeek here.  Gadi Evron, operations manager for ZERT, points out that they have recently released a third-party patch for the VML vulnerability.
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