Compiling Decompyle++ For Windows

Published: 2024-12-25. Last Updated: 2024-12-25 07:58:25 UTC
by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

Occasionaly I decompile Python code, with decompilers written in Python. Recently I discovered Decompyle++, a Python disassembler & decompiler written in C++.

It's very easy to compile for Linux, but a bit more difficult for Windows.

This is how I compiled Decompyle++ on Windows:

I used Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022.

First I launch the Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt:

Then I download Decompyle++'s source code and navigate to the containing directory.

There I launch this command: cmake .

And then I can start compilation (I'm compiling the Release configuration): msbuild pycdc.sln -t:Rebuild -p:Configuration=Release

And then I can find the disassembler (pycdas.exe) and decompiler (pycdc.exe) in the Release folder:

Here I use pycdc.exe to decompile a .pyc file:

In case you can't or don't want to  compile this yourself, I'm sharing the executables I compiled here.


Didier Stevens
Senior handler

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