Date Author Title


2015-09-01Daniel WesemannEncryption of "data at rest" in servers
2009-09-07Lorna HutchesonEncrypting Data


2024-08-23/a>Jesse La GrewPandas Errors: What encoding are my logs in?
2024-08-16/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] 7 minutes and 4 steps to a quick win: A write-up on custom tools
2023-08-25/a>Xavier MertensPython Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications
2023-07-23/a>Guy BruneauInstall & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs
2023-05-24/a>Jesse La GrewMore Data Enrichment for Cowrie Logs
2023-05-09/a>Russ McReeExploratory Data Analysis with CISSM Cyber Attacks Database - Part 2
2022-06-10/a>Russ McReeEPSScall: An Exploit Prediction Scoring System App
2021-12-28/a>Russ McReeLotL Classifier tests for shells, exfil, and miners
2021-10-20/a>Xavier MertensThanks to COVID-19, New Types of Documents are Lost in The Wild
2021-08-29/a>Guy BruneauFilter JSON Data by Value with Linux jq
2021-07-04/a>Didier StevensDIY CD/DVD Destruction - Follow Up
2021-06-27/a>Didier StevensDIY CD/DVD Destruction
2021-02-01/a>Rob VandenBrinkTaking a Shot at Reverse Shell Attacks, CNC Phone Home and Data Exfil from Servers
2021-01-29/a>Xavier MertensSensitive Data Shared with Cloud Services
2020-07-04/a>Russ McReeHappy FouRth of July from the Internet Storm Center
2020-03-14/a>Didier StevensPhishing PDF With Incremental Updates.
2020-02-28/a>Xavier MertensShow me Your Clipboard Data!
2019-05-19/a>Guy BruneauIs Metadata Only Approach, Good Enough for Network Traffic Analysis?
2018-07-04/a>Didier StevensXPS Metadata
2018-06-16/a>Russ McReeAnomaly Detection & Threat Hunting with Anomalize
2017-12-16/a>Xavier MertensMicrosoft Office VBA Macro Obfuscation via Metadata
2017-08-07/a>Xavier MertensIncrease of phpMyAdmin scans
2017-05-28/a>Guy BruneauCyberChef a Must Have Tool in your Tool bag!
2017-02-01/a>Xavier MertensQuick Analysis of Data Left Available by Attackers
2017-01-06/a>John BambenekGreat Misadventures of Security Vendors: Absurd Sandboxing Edition
2016-09-22/a>Rick WannerYAHDD! (Yet another HUGE data Breach!)
2016-08-31/a>Deborah HaleDropbox Breach
2016-08-19/a>Xavier MertensData Classification For the Masses
2016-07-03/a>Guy BruneauIs Data Privacy part of your Company's Culture?
2016-06-20/a>Xavier MertensUsing Your Password Manager to Monitor Data Leaks
2016-02-22/a>Xavier MertensReducing False Positives with Open Data Sources
2016-01-30/a>Xavier MertensAll CVE Details at Your Fingertips
2015-09-01/a>Daniel WesemannEncryption of "data at rest" in servers
2015-07-31/a>Russ McReeTech tip: Invoke a system command in R
2015-07-31/a>Russ McReeTech tip follow-up: Using the data Invoked with R's system command
2015-05-23/a>Guy BruneauBusiness Value in "Big Data"
2015-03-21/a>Russell EubanksHave you seen my personal information? It has been lost. Again.
2014-12-01/a>Guy BruneauDo you have a Data Breach Response Plan?
2014-02-04/a>Johannes UllrichOdd ICMP Echo Request Payload
2013-10-16/a>Adrien de BeaupreAccess denied and blockliss
2013-07-06/a>Guy BruneauIs Metadata the Magic in Modern Network Security?
2012-12-03/a>John BambenekJohn McAfee Exposes His Location in Photo About His Being on Run
2012-11-30/a>Daniel WesemannSnipping Leaks
2012-11-22/a>Kevin ListonGreek National Arrested on Suspicion of Theft of 9M Records on Fellow Greeks
2012-01-16/a>Kevin ShorttZappos Breached
2011-04-20/a>Daniel WesemannData Breach Investigations Report published by Verizon
2011-01-12/a>Richard PorterHow Many Loyalty Cards do you Carry?
2011-01-12/a>Richard PorterYet Another Data Broker? AOL Lifestream.
2010-09-26/a>Daniel WesemannEgosurfing, the corporate way
2010-07-29/a>Rob VandenBrinkThe 2010 Verizon Data Breach Report is Out
2010-04-27/a>Rob VandenBrinkLayer 2 Security - L2TPv3 for Disaster Recovery Sites
2010-04-22/a>John BambenekData Redaction: You're Doing it Wrong
2010-02-10/a>Marcus SachsDatacenters and Directory Traversals
2009-10-19/a>Daniel WesemannBacked up, lately ?
2009-09-07/a>Lorna HutchesonEncrypting Data
2009-07-28/a>Adrien de BeaupreYYAMCCBA
2009-04-24/a>John BambenekData Leak Prevention: Proactive Security Requirements of Breach Notification Laws
2009-04-15/a>Marcus Sachs2009 Data Breach Investigation Report
2009-03-02/a>Swa FrantzenObama's leaked chopper blueprints: anything we can learn?
2009-01-30/a>Mark HofmanWe all "Love" USB drives
2008-12-17/a>donald smithTeam CYMRU's Malware Hash Registry
2008-08-25/a>John BambenekThoughts on the Best Western Compromise


2025-02-13/a>Guy BruneauDShield SIEM Docker Updates
2025-01-29/a>Xavier MertensFrom PowerShell to a Python Obfuscation Race!
2025-01-21/a>Johannes UllrichGeolocation and Starlink
2025-01-03/a>Xavier MertensSwaetRAT Delivery Through Python
2024-12-23/a>Xavier MertensModiloader From Obfuscated Batch File
2024-12-17/a>Xavier MertensPython Delivering AnyDesk Client as RAT
2024-12-11/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything (iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS)
2024-12-10/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday: December 2024
2024-11-30/a>Xavier MertensFrom a Regular Infostealer to its Obfuscated Version
2024-11-18/a>Johannes UllrichExploit attempts for unpatched Citrix vulnerability
2024-11-05/a>Xavier MertensPython RAT with a Nice Screensharing Feature
2024-10-28/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything
2024-10-03/a>Guy BruneauKickstart Your DShield Honeypot [Guest Diary]
2024-09-26/a>Johannes UllrichPatch for Critical CUPS vulnerability: Don't Panic
2024-09-25/a>Johannes UllrichDNS Reflection Update and Odd Corrupted DNS Requests
2024-09-25/a>Guy BruneauOSINT - Image Analysis or More Where, When, and Metadata [Guest Diary]
2024-09-11/a>Guy BruneauHygiene, Hygiene, Hygiene! [Guest Diary]
2024-09-04/a>Guy Bruneau Attack Surface [Guest Diary]
2024-08-30/a>Jesse La GrewSimulating Traffic With Scapy
2024-08-29/a>Xavier MertensLive Patching DLLs with Python
2024-08-27/a>Guy BruneauVega-Lite with Kibana to Parse and Display IP Activity over Time
2024-08-26/a>Xavier MertensFrom Highly Obfuscated Batch File to XWorm and Redline
2024-08-23/a>Jesse La GrewPandas Errors: What encoding are my logs in?
2024-08-20/a>Guy BruneauMapping Threats with DNSTwist and the Internet Storm Center [Guest Diary]
2024-08-16/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] 7 minutes and 4 steps to a quick win: A write-up on custom tools
2024-08-14/a>Xavier MertensMultiple Malware Dropped Through MSI Package
2024-08-07/a>Guy BruneauSame Scripts, Different Day: What My DShield Honeypot Taught Me About the Importance of Security Fundamentals [Guest Diary]
2024-07-16/a>Guy BruneauWho You Gonna Call? AndroxGh0st Busters! [Guest Diary]
2024-07-09/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday July 2024
2024-06-26/a>Guy BruneauWhat Setting Live Traps for Cybercriminals Taught Me About Security [Guest Diary]
2024-06-20/a>Guy BruneauNo Excuses, Free Tools to Help Secure Authentication in Ubuntu Linux [Guest Diary]
2024-06-17/a>Xavier MertensNew NetSupport Campaign Delivered Through MSIX Packages
2024-06-13/a>Guy BruneauThe Art of JQ and Command-line Fu [Guest Diary]
2024-06-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday June 2024
2024-06-06/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Python Script with a "Best Before" Date
2024-05-31/a>Xavier Mertens"K1w1" InfoStealer Uses for Exfiltration
2024-05-30/a>Xavier MertensFeeding MISP with OSSEC
2024-05-28/a>Guy BruneauIs that It? Finding the Unknown: Correlations Between Honeypot Logs & PCAPs [Guest Diary]
2024-05-22/a>Guy BruneauAnalysis of ?redtail? File Uploads to ICS Honeypot, a Multi-Architecture Coin Miner [Guest Diary]
2024-05-08/a>Xavier MertensAnalyzing Synology Disks on Linux
2024-04-29/a>Guy BruneauLinux Trojan - Xorddos with Filename eyshcjdmzg
2024-04-17/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PDF File Used As Delivery Mechanism
2024-04-11/a>Yee Ching TokEvolution of Artificial Intelligence Systems and Ensuring Trustworthiness
2024-04-07/a>Guy BruneauA Use Case for Adding Threat Hunting to Your Security Operations Team. Detecting Adversaries Abusing Legitimate Tools in A Customer Environment. [Guest Diary]
2024-03-28/a>Xavier MertensFrom JavaScript to AsyncRAT
2024-03-19/a>Johannes UllrichAttacker Hunting Firewalls
2024-03-13/a>Xavier MertensUsing ChatGPT to Deobfuscate Malicious Scripts
2024-03-12/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - March 2024
2024-03-05/a>Johannes UllrichApple Releases iOS/iPadOS Updates with Zero Day Fixes.
2024-02-29/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Dissecting DarkGate: Modular Malware Delivery and Persistence as a Service.
2024-02-28/a>Johannes UllrichExploit Attempts for Unknown Password Reset Vulnerability
2024-02-22/a>Johannes UllrichLarge AT&T Wireless Network Outage #att #outage
2024-02-20/a>Xavier MertensPython InfoStealer With Dynamic Sandbox Detection
2024-02-09/a>Xavier MertensMSIX With Heavily Obfuscated PowerShell Script
2024-02-03/a>Guy BruneauDShield Sensor Log Collection with Elasticsearch
2024-01-29/a>Johannes UllrichExploit Flare Up Against Older Altassian Confluence Vulnerability
2024-01-26/a>Xavier MertensA Batch File With Multiple Payloads
2024-01-22/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything - New 0 Day in WebKit
2024-01-17/a>Jesse La GrewNumber Usage in Passwords
2024-01-12/a>Xavier MertensOne File, Two Payloads
2024-01-08/a>Jesse La GrewWhat is that User Agent?
2024-01-05/a>Rob VandenBrinkNetstat, but Better and in PowerShell
2024-01-02/a>Johannes UllrichFingerprinting SSH Identification Strings
2023-12-23/a>Xavier MertensPython Keylogger Using
2023-12-20/a>Guy BruneauHow to Protect your Webserver from Directory Enumeration Attack ? Apache2 [Guest Diary]
2023-12-12/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday December 2023
2023-12-11/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Everything
2023-12-06/a>Guy BruneauRevealing the Hidden Risks of QR Codes [Guest Diary]
2023-11-27/a>Guy BruneauDecoding the Patterns: Analyzing DShield Honeypot Activity [Guest Diary]
2023-11-22/a>Guy BruneauCVE-2023-1389: A New Means to Expand Botnets
2023-11-18/a>Xavier MertensQuasar RAT Delivered Through Updated SharpLoader
2023-11-06/a>Johannes UllrichExploit Activity for CVE-2023-22518, Atlassian Confluence Data Center and Server
2023-10-10/a>Johannes UllrichOctober 2023 Microsoft Patch Tuesday Summary
2023-10-09/a>Didier StevensZIP's DOSTIME & DOSDATE Formats
2023-09-30/a>Xavier MertensSimple Netcat Backdoor in Python Script
2023-09-26/a>Johannes UllrichApple Releases MacOS Sonoma Including Numerous Security Patches
2023-09-11/a>Johannes UllrichApple fixes 0-Day Vulnerability in Older Operating Systems
2023-09-07/a>Johannes UllrichApple Releases iOS/iPadOS 16.6.1, macOS 13.5.2, watchOS 9.6.2 fixing two zeroday vulnerabilities
2023-08-25/a>Xavier MertensPython Malware Using Postgresql for C2 Communications
2023-08-23/a>Guy BruneauHow I made a qwerty ?keyboard walk? password generator with ChatGPT [Guest Diary]
2023-08-21/a>Xavier MertensQuick Malware Triage With Inotify Tools
2023-08-20/a>Guy BruneauSystemBC Malware Activity
2023-08-18/a>Xavier MertensFrom a Zalando Phishing to a RAT
2023-08-12/a>Guy BruneauDShield Sensor Monitoring with a Docker ELK Stack [Guest Diary]
2023-08-11/a>Xavier MertensShow me All Your Windows!
2023-08-03/a>Jan KoprivaFrom small LNK to large malicious BAT file with zero VT score
2023-07-23/a>Guy BruneauInstall & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs
2023-07-06/a>Jesse La GrewIDS Comparisons with DShield Honeypot Data
2023-07-01/a>Russ McReeSandfly Security
2023-06-29/a>Brad DuncanGuLoader- or DBatLoader/ModiLoader-style infection for Remcos RAT
2023-06-24/a>Guy BruneauEmail Spam with Attachment Modiloader
2023-06-23/a>Xavier MertensWord Document with an Online Attached Template
2023-06-22/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Exploited Vulnerabilities in iOS/iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and Safari
2023-06-17/a>Brad DuncanFormbook from Possible ModiLoader (DBatLoader)
2023-06-16/a>Xavier MertensAnother RAT Delivered Through VBS
2023-06-11/a>Guy BruneauDShield Honeypot Activity for May 2023
2023-06-09/a>Xavier MertensUndetected PowerShell Backdoor Disguised as a Profile File
2023-05-30/a>Brad DuncanMalspam pushes ModiLoader (DBatLoader) infection for Remcos RAT
2023-05-28/a>Guy BruneauWe Can no Longer Ignore the Cost of Cybersecurity
2023-05-26/a>Xavier MertensUsing DFIR Techniques To Recover From Infrastructure Outages
2023-05-24/a>Jesse La GrewMore Data Enrichment for Cowrie Logs
2023-05-20/a>Xavier MertensPhishing Kit Collecting Victim's IP Address
2023-05-19/a>Xavier MertensWhen the Phisher Messes Up With Encoding
2023-05-17/a>Xavier MertensIncrease in Malicious RAR SFX files
2023-05-14/a>Guy BruneauVMware Aria Operations addresses multiple Local Privilege Escalations and a Deserialization issue
2023-05-09/a>Russ McReeExploratory Data Analysis with CISSM Cyber Attacks Database - Part 2
2023-05-07/a>Didier StevensQuickly Finding Encoded Payloads in Office Documents
2023-05-03/a>Xavier MertensIncreased Number of Configuration File Scans
2023-04-22/a>Didier StevensYARA v4.3.1 Release
2023-04-02/a>Didier StevensYARA v4.3.0 Release
2023-03-30/a>Xavier MertensBypassing PowerShell Strong Obfuscation
2023-03-27/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything (including Studio Display)
2023-03-21/a>Didier StevensString Obfuscation: Character Pair Reversal
2023-03-18/a>Xavier MertensOld Backdoor, New Obfuscation
2023-03-12/a>Guy BruneauAsynRAT Trojan - Bill Payment (Pago de la factura)
2023-03-11/a>Xavier MertensOverview of a Mirai Payload Generator
2023-02-22/a>Johannes UllrichInternet Wide Scan Fingerprinting Confluence Servers
2023-02-14/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft February 2023 Patch Tuesday
2023-02-10/a>Xavier MertensObfuscated Deactivation of Script Block Logging
2023-02-04/a>Guy BruneauAssemblyline as a Malware Analysis Sandbox
2023-02-01/a>Didier StevensDetecting (Malicious) OneNote Files
2023-01-31/a>Jesse La GrewDShield Honeypot Setup with pfSense
2023-01-25/a>Xavier MertensA First Malicious OneNote Document
2023-01-24/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates (almost) Everything: Patch Overview
2023-01-21/a>Guy BruneauDShield Sensor JSON Log to Elasticsearch
2023-01-07/a>Didier StevensYARA v4.3.0-rc1 --skip-larger
2023-01-04/a>Rob VandenBrinkUpdate to RTRBK - Diff and File Dates in PowerShell
2022-12-29/a>Jesse La GrewOpening the Door for a Knock: Creating a Custom DShield Listener
2022-12-05/a>Didier StevensVLC's Check For Updates: No Updates?
2022-11-10/a>Xavier MertensDo you collect "Observables" or "IOCs"?
2022-11-05/a>Guy BruneauWindows Malware with VHD Extension
2022-11-04/a>Xavier MertensRemcos Downloader with Unicode Obfuscation
2022-10-22/a>Didier Stevensrtfdump's Find Option
2022-10-21/a>Brad Duncansczriptzzbn inject pushes malware for NetSupport RAT
2022-10-18/a>Xavier MertensPython Obfuscation for Dummies
2022-10-11/a>Johannes UllrichOctober 2022 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2022-10-07/a>Xavier MertensCritical Fortinet Vulnerability Ahead
2022-09-22/a>Xavier MertensRAT Delivered Through FODHelper
2022-09-07/a>Johannes UllrichPHP Deserialization Exploit attempt
2022-08-24/a>Brad DuncanMonster Libra (TA551/Shathak) --> IcedID (Bokbot) --> Cobalt Strike & DarkVNC
2022-08-22/a>Xavier Mertens32 or 64 bits Malware?
2022-08-20/a>Didier StevensYARA 4.2.3 Released
2022-08-10/a>Johannes UllrichAnd Here They Come Again: DNS Reflection Attacks
2022-07-28/a>Johannes UllrichExfiltrating Data With Bookmarks
2022-07-20/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Everything Day
2022-07-06/a>Johannes UllrichHow Many SANs are Insane?
2022-07-02/a>Didier StevensYARA 4.2.2 Released
2022-06-24/a>Xavier MertensPython (ab)using The Windows GUI
2022-06-19/a>Didier StevensVideo: Decoding Obfuscated BASE64 Statistically
2022-06-18/a>Didier StevensDecoding Obfuscated BASE64 Statistically
2022-06-17/a>Brad DuncanMalspam pushes Matanbuchus malware, leads to Cobalt Strike
2022-06-16/a>Xavier MertensHoudini is Back Delivered Through a JavaScript Dropper
2022-06-10/a>Russ McReeEPSScall: An Exploit Prediction Scoring System App
2022-06-04/a>Guy BruneauSpam Email Contains a Very Large ISO file
2022-06-02/a>Johannes UllrichQuick Answers in Incident Response: RECmd.exe
2022-06-01/a>Jan KoprivaHTML phishing attachments - now with anti-analysis features
2022-05-29/a>Didier StevensExtracting The Overlay Of A PE File
2022-05-28/a>Didier StevensHuge Signed PE File: Keeping The Signature
2022-05-26/a>Didier StevensHuge Signed PE File
2022-05-20/a>Xavier MertensA 'Zip Bomb' to Bypass Security Controls & Sandboxes
2022-05-16/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Everything
2022-05-10/a>Renato MarinhoMicrosoft May 2022 Patch Tuesday
2022-05-09/a>Xavier MertensOctopus Backdoor is Back with a New Embedded Obfuscated Bat File
2022-05-07/a>Guy BruneauPhishing PDF Received in my ISC Mailbox
2022-05-05/a>Brad DuncanPassword-protected Excel spreadsheet pushes Remcos RAT
2022-05-03/a>Rob VandenBrinkFinding the Real "Last Patched" Day (Interim Version)
2022-04-30/a>Didier StevensYARA 4.2.1 Released
2022-04-27/a>Jan KoprivaMITRE ATT&CK v11 - a small update that can help (not just) with detection engineering
2022-03-31/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Actively Exploited Vulnerability in macOS, iOS and iPadOS,
2022-03-29/a>Johannes UllrichMore Fake/Typosquatting Twitter Accounts Asking for Ukraine Crytocurrency Donations
2022-03-26/a>Guy BruneauIs buying Cyber Insurance a Must Now?
2022-03-23/a>Brad DuncanArkei Variants: From Vidar to Mars Stealer
2022-03-14/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything: MacOS 12.3, XCode 13.3, tvOS 15.4, watchOS 8.5, iPadOS 15.4 and more
2022-03-11/a>Xavier MertensKeep an Eye on WebSockets
2022-03-09/a>Xavier MertensInfostealer in a Batch File
2022-03-04/a>Johannes UllrichScam E-Mail Impersonating Red Cross
2022-02-22/a>Xavier MertensA Good Old Equation Editor Vulnerability Delivering Malware
2022-02-18/a>Xavier MertensRemcos RAT Delivered Through Double Compressed Archive
2022-02-11/a>Xavier MertensCinaRAT Delivered Through HTML ID Attributes
2022-02-10/a>Johannes UllrichiOS/iPadOS and MacOS Update: Single WebKit 0-Day Vulnerability Patched
2022-02-03/a>Johannes UllrichKeeping Track of Your Attack Surface for Cheap
2022-02-01/a>Xavier MertensAutomation is Nice But Don't Replace Your Knowledge
2022-01-29/a>Guy BruneauSIEM In this Decade, Are They Better than the Last?
2022-01-27/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches Everything
2022-01-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - January 2022
2022-01-07/a>Xavier MertensCustom Python RAT Builder
2022-01-04/a>Xavier MertensA Simple Batch File That Blocks People
2021-12-28/a>Russ McReeLotL Classifier tests for shells, exfil, and miners
2021-12-02/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) pushes IcedID (Bokbot)
2021-12-01/a>Xavier MertensInfo-Stealer Using to Exfiltrate Data
2021-11-29/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.6.0 Released
2021-11-25/a>Didier StevensYARA's Private Strings
2021-11-18/a>Xavier MertensJavaScript Downloader Delivers Agent Tesla Trojan
2021-11-14/a>Didier StevensVideo: Obfuscated Maldoc: Reversed BASE64
2021-11-08/a>Xavier Mertens(Ab)Using Security Tools & Controls for the Bad
2021-11-04/a>Brad DuncanOctober 2021 Forensic Contest: Answers and Analysis
2021-10-31/a>Didier StevensSysinternals: Autoruns and Sysmon updates
2021-10-28/a>Yee Ching TokMultiple Apple Patches for October 2021
2021-10-20/a>Xavier MertensThanks to COVID-19, New Types of Documents are Lost in The Wild
2021-10-18/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PowerShell Using Client Certificate Authentication
2021-10-10/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.4.9 Released
2021-09-22/a>Didier StevensAn XML-Obfuscated Office Document (CVE-2021-40444)
2021-09-21/a>Johannes UllrichA First Look at Apple's iOS 15 "Private Relay" feature.
2021-09-14/a>Renato MarinhoMicrosoft September 2021 Patch Tuesday
2021-09-11/a>Guy BruneauShipping to Elasticsearch Microsoft DNS Logs
2021-09-09/a>Johannes UllrichUpdates to Our Datafeeds/API
2021-09-07/a>Johannes UllrichWhy I Gave Up on IPv6. And no, it is not because of security issues.
2021-09-01/a>Brad DuncanSTRRAT: a Java-based RAT that doesn't care if you have Java
2021-08-29/a>Guy BruneauFilter JSON Data by Value with Linux jq
2021-08-21/a>Didier StevensNew Versions Of Sysinternals Tools
2021-08-20/a>Xavier MertensWaiting for the C2 to Show Up
2021-08-11/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) continues pushing BazarLoader, infections lead to Cobalt Strike
2021-08-02/a>Didier StevensChanging BAT Files On The Fly
2021-07-31/a>Guy BruneauUnsolicited DNS Queries
2021-07-25/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.4.7 Released
2021-07-04/a>Didier StevensDIY CD/DVD Destruction - Follow Up
2021-06-27/a>Didier StevensDIY CD/DVD Destruction
2021-06-24/a>Xavier MertensDo you Like Cookies? Some are for sale!
2021-06-21/a>Rick WannerMitre CWE - Common Weakness Enumeration
2021-06-20/a>Didier StevensVideo: oledump Cheat Sheet
2021-06-04/a>Xavier MertensRussian Dolls VBS Obfuscation
2021-05-10/a>Johannes UllrichCorrectly Validating IP Addresses: Why encoding matters for input validation.
2021-05-08/a>Guy BruneauWho is Probing the Internet for Research Purposes?
2021-04-25/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.4.5 Released
2021-04-13/a>Richard PorterMicrosoft April 2021 Patch Tuesday
2021-04-10/a>Guy BruneauBuilding an IDS Sensor with Suricata & Zeek with Logs to ELK
2021-04-09/a>Xavier MertensNo Python Interpreter? This Simple RAT Installs Its Own Copy
2021-03-31/a>Xavier MertensQuick Analysis of a Modular InfoStealer
2021-03-14/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.4.4 Released
2021-03-12/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft DHCP Logs Shipped to ELK
2021-03-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkSharpRDP - PSExec without PSExec, PSRemoting without PowerShell
2021-03-04/a>Xavier MertensFrom VBS, PowerShell, C Sharp, Process Hollowing to RAT
2021-03-02/a>Russ McReeAdversary Simulation with Sim
2021-02-26/a>Guy BruneauPretending to be an Outlook Version Update
2021-02-25/a>Jim ClausingSo where did those Satori attacks come from?
2021-02-24/a>Brad DuncanMalspam pushes GuLoader for Remcos RAT
2021-02-16/a>Jim ClausingMore weirdness on TCP port 26
2021-02-15/a>Johannes UllrichSecuring and Optimizing Networks: Using pfSense Traffic Shaper Limiters to Combat Bufferbloat
2021-02-06/a>Didier StevensYARA v4.0.5
2021-02-04/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAbusing Google Chrome extension syncing for data exfiltration and C&C
2021-02-01/a>Rob VandenBrinkTaking a Shot at Reverse Shell Attacks, CNC Phone Home and Data Exfil from Servers
2021-01-31/a>Didier StevensYARA v4.0.4
2021-01-30/a>Guy BruneauPacketSifter as Network Parsing and Telemetry Tool
2021-01-29/a>Xavier MertensSensitive Data Shared with Cloud Services
2021-01-26/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) Word docs push Qakbot (Qbot)
2021-01-18/a>Didier StevensDoc & RTF Malicious Document
2021-01-04/a>Jan KoprivaFrom a small BAT file to Mass Logger infostealer
2021-01-02/a>Guy BruneauProtecting Home Office and Enterprise in 2021
2020-12-29/a>Jan KoprivaWant to know what's in a folder you don't have a permission to access? Try asking your AV solution...
2020-12-22/a>Xavier MertensMalware Victim Selection Through WiFi Identification
2020-12-20/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.4.2 Released
2020-12-19/a>Guy BruneauSecure Communication using TLS in Elasticsearch
2020-12-14/a>Johannes UllrichSolarWinds Breach Used to Infiltrate Customer Networks (Solarigate)
2020-12-13/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.4.1 Released
2020-12-08/a>Johannes UllrichDecember 2020 Microsoft Patch Tuesday: Exchange, Sharepoint, Dynamics and DNS Spoofing
2020-12-06/a>Didier Stevensoledump's Indicators (video)
2020-12-05/a>Guy BruneauIs IP testing Access to
2020-12-04/a>Guy BruneauDetecting Actors Activity with Threat Intel
2020-11-25/a>Xavier MertensLive Patching Windows API Calls Using PowerShell
2020-11-21/a>Guy BruneauVMware privilege escalation vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-4004, CVE-2020-4005) -
2020-11-19/a>Xavier MertensPowerShell Dropper Delivering Formbook
2020-11-13/a>Xavier MertensOld Worm But New Obfuscation Technique
2020-11-06/a>Johannes UllrichRediscovering Limitations of Stateful Firewalls: "NAT Slipstreaming" ? Implications, Detections and Mitigations
2020-11-05/a>Xavier MertensDid You Spot "Invoke-Expression"?
2020-10-30/a>Xavier MertensQuick Status of the CAA DNS Record Adoption
2020-10-24/a>Guy BruneauAn Alternative to Shodan, Censys with User-Agent CensysInspect/1.1
2020-10-14/a>Xavier MertensNicely Obfuscated Python RAT
2020-10-14/a>Brad DuncanMore TA551 (Shathak) Word docs push IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-09-30/a>Johannes UllrichScans for FPURL.xml: Reconnaissance or Not?
2020-09-28/a>Xavier MertensSome Tyler Technologies Customers Targeted with The Installation of a Bomgar Client
2020-09-27/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.7 Released
2020-09-20/a>Guy BruneauAnalysis of a Salesforce Phishing Emails
2020-09-04/a>Jan KoprivaA blast from the past - XXEncoded VB6.0 Trojan
2020-08-25/a>Xavier MertensKeep An Eye on LOLBins
2020-08-22/a>Guy BruneauRemote Desktop (TCP/3389) and Telnet (TCP/23), What might they have in Common?
2020-08-19/a>Xavier MertensExample of Word Document Delivering Qakbot
2020-08-18/a>Xavier MertensUsing API's to Track Attackers
2020-08-16/a>Didier StevensSmall Challenge: A Simple Word Maldoc - Part 3
2020-08-15/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.6 Released
2020-08-12/a>Russ McReeTo the Brim at the Gates of Mordor Pt. 1
2020-08-10/a>Bojan ZdrnjaScoping web application and web service penetration tests
2020-08-08/a>Guy BruneauScanning Activity Include Netcat Listener
2020-08-07/a>Brad DuncanTA551 (Shathak) Word docs push IcedID (Bokbot)
2020-08-04/a>Johannes UllrichInternet Choke Points: Concentration of Authoritative Name Servers
2020-08-01/a>Jan KoprivaWhat pages do bad bots look for?
2020-07-24/a>Xavier MertensCompromized Desktop Applications by Web Technologies
2020-07-19/a>Guy BruneauScanning Activity for ZeroShell Unauthenticated Access
2020-07-11/a>Guy BruneauVMware XPC Client validation privilege escalation vulnerability -
2020-07-08/a>Xavier MertensIf You Want Something Done Right, You Have To Do It Yourself... Malware Too!
2020-07-04/a>Russ McReeHappy FouRth of July from the Internet Storm Center
2020-06-19/a>Remco VerhoefSigma rules! The generic signature format for SIEM systems.
2020-06-16/a>Johannes UllrichOdd "Protest" Spam (Scam?) Targeting Atlanta Police Foundation
2020-06-08/a>Didier StevensTranslating BASE64 Obfuscated Scripts
2020-05-24/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.4 Released
2020-05-14/a>Rob VandenBrinkPatch Tuesday Revisited - CVE-2020-1048 isn't as "Medium" as MS Would Have You Believe
2020-05-06/a>Xavier MertensKeeping an Eye on Malicious Files Life Time
2020-04-27/a>Xavier MertensPowershell Payload Stored in a PSCredential Object
2020-04-24/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Excel With a Strong Obfuscation and Sandbox Evasion
2020-04-17/a>Xavier MertensWeaponized RTF Document Generator & Mailer in PowerShell
2020-04-11/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.3 Released: Mac Users Pay Attention Please
2020-04-10/a>Xavier MertensPowerShell Sample Extracting Payload From SSL
2020-04-03/a>Xavier MertensObfuscated with a Simple 0x0A
2020-03-14/a>Didier StevensPhishing PDF With Incremental Updates.
2020-03-10/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday March 2020
2020-03-07/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.2 Released: Windows' Users Pay Attention Please
2020-03-02/a>Jan KoprivaSecure vs. cleartext protocols - couple of interesting stats
2020-02-29/a>Guy BruneauHazelcast IMDG Discover Scan
2020-02-28/a>Xavier MertensShow me Your Clipboard Data!
2020-02-22/a>Xavier MertensSimple but Efficient VBScript Obfuscation
2020-02-16/a>Guy BruneauSOAR or not to SOAR?
2020-02-07/a>Xavier MertensSandbox Detection Tricks & Nice Obfuscation in a Single VBScript
2020-02-05/a>Brad DuncanFake browser update pages are "still a thing"
2020-02-01/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.1 Released
2020-01-25/a>Guy BruneauIs Threat Hunting the new Fad?
2020-01-23/a>Xavier MertensComplex Obfuscation VS Simple Trick
2020-01-15/a>Johannes UllrichCVE-2020-0601 Followup
2020-01-10/a>Xavier MertensMore Data Exfiltration
2019-12-21/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.2.0 Released
2019-12-08/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.0.7 Released
2019-11-22/a>Xavier MertensAbusing Web Filters Misconfiguration for Reconnaissance
2019-10-29/a>Xavier MertensGenerating PCAP Files from YAML
2019-10-27/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.0.6 Released
2019-10-18/a>Xavier MertensQuick Malicious VBS Analysis
2019-09-27/a>Xavier MertensNew Scans for Polycom Autoconfiguration Files
2019-09-25/a>Brad DuncanMalspam pushing Quasar RAT
2019-09-21/a>Didier StevensWireshark 3.0.5 Release: Potential Windows Crash when Updating
2019-09-19/a>Xavier MertensAgent Tesla Trojan Abusing Corporate Email Accounts
2019-09-19/a>Xavier MertensBlocklisting or Whitelisting in the Right Way
2019-09-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkInvestigating Gaps in your Windows Event Logs
2019-08-25/a>Guy BruneauAre there any Advantages of Buying Cyber Security Insurance?
2019-08-22/a>Xavier MertensSimple Mimikatz & RDPWrapper Dropper
2019-08-09/a>Xavier Mertens100% JavaScript Phishing Page
2019-07-24/a>Xavier MertensMay People Be Considered as IOC?
2019-07-20/a>Guy BruneauRe-evaluating Network Security - It is Increasingly More Complex
2019-07-11/a>Xavier MertensRussian Dolls Malicious Script Delivering Ursnif
2019-07-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkDumping File Contents in Hex (in PowerShell)
2019-07-09/a>John BambenekMSFT July 2019 Patch Tuesday
2019-07-02/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Script With Multiple Payloads
2019-06-21/a>Rob VandenBrinkNetstat Local and Remote -new and improved, now with more PowerShell!
2019-06-20/a>Xavier MertensUsing a Travel Packing App for Infosec Purpose
2019-06-19/a>Johannes UllrichCritical Actively Exploited WebLogic Flaw Patched CVE-2019-2729
2019-06-10/a>Xavier MertensInteresting JavaScript Obfuscation Example
2019-05-31/a>Didier StevensRetrieving Second Stage Payload with Ncat
2019-05-19/a>Guy BruneauIs Metadata Only Approach, Good Enough for Network Traffic Analysis?
2019-04-26/a>Rob VandenBrinkPillaging Passwords from Service Accounts
2019-04-25/a>Rob VandenBrinkUnpatched Vulnerability Alert - WebLogic Zero Day
2019-04-24/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhere have all the Domain Admins gone? Rooting out Unwanted Domain Administrators
2019-04-05/a>Russ McReeBeagle: Graph transforms for DFIR data & logs
2019-03-06/a>Xavier MertensKeep an Eye on Disposable Email Addresses
2019-02-24/a>Guy BruneauPacket Editor and Builder by Colasoft
2019-02-05/a>Rob VandenBrinkMitigations against Mimikatz Style Attacks
2019-01-29/a>Johannes UllrichA Not So Well Done Phish (Why Attackers need to Implement IPv6 Now! ;-) )
2019-01-12/a>Guy BruneauSnorpy a Web Base Tool to Build Snort/Suricata Rules
2019-01-09/a>Russ McReegganimate: Animate YouR Security Analysis
2018-12-31/a>Didier StevensSoftware Crashes: A New Year's Resolution
2018-12-29/a>Didier StevensVideo: De-DOSfuscation Example
2018-12-19/a>Xavier MertensMicrosoft OOB Patch for Internet Explorer: Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability
2018-12-15/a>Didier StevensDe-DOSfuscation Example
2018-12-12/a>Didier StevensYet Another DOSfuscation Sample
2018-12-11/a>Richard PorterMicrosoft December 2018 Patch Tuesday
2018-11-27/a>Xavier MertensMore obfuscated shell scripts: Fake MacOS Flash update
2018-11-27/a>Rob VandenBrinkData Exfiltration in Penetration Tests
2018-11-26/a>Xavier MertensObfuscated bash script targeting QNap boxes
2018-11-20/a>Xavier MertensQuerying DShield from Cortex
2018-11-18/a>Guy BruneauMultipurpose PCAP Analysis Tool
2018-11-16/a>Xavier MertensBasic Obfuscation With Permissive Languages
2018-11-14/a>Brad DuncanDay in the life of a researcher: Finding a wave of Trickbot malspam
2018-11-13/a>Johannes UllrichNovember 2018 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2018-11-11/a>Pasquale StirparoCommunity contribution: joining forces or multiply solutions?
2018-11-06/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Powershell Script Dissection
2018-11-05/a>Johannes UllrichStruts 2.3 Vulnerable to Two Year old File Upload Flaw
2018-10-23/a>Xavier MertensDiving into Malicious AutoIT Code
2018-10-17/a>Russ McReeRedHunt Linux - Adversary Emulation, Threat Hunting & Intelligence
2018-10-12/a>Xavier MertensMore Equation Editor Exploit Waves
2018-10-10/a>Xavier MertensNew Campaign Using Old Equation Editor Vulnerability
2018-10-09/a>Johannes UllrichOctober 2018 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2018-10-08/a>Guy BruneauLatest Release of rockNSM 2.1
2018-10-01/a>Didier StevensDecoding Custom Substitution Encodings with
2018-09-30/a>Didier StevensWhen DOSfuscation Helps...
2018-09-19/a>Rob VandenBrinkCertificates Revisited - SSL VPN Certificates 2 Ways
2018-09-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkUsing Certificate Transparency as an Attack / Defense Tool
2018-09-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft September Patch Tuesday Summary
2018-09-05/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhere have all my Certificates gone? (And when do they expire?)
2018-08-24/a>Xavier MertensMicrosoft Publisher Files Delivering Malware
2018-07-30/a>Didier StevensMalicious Word documents using DOSfuscation
2018-07-29/a>Guy BruneauUsing RITA for Threat Analysis
2018-07-26/a>Xavier MertensWindows Batch File Deobfuscation
2018-07-17/a>Scott FendleyOracle Critical Patch Update Release
2018-07-04/a>Didier StevensXPS Metadata
2018-07-03/a>Didier StevensProgress indication for scripts on Windows
2018-07-02/a>Guy BruneauVMware ESXi, Workstation, and Fusion address multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities
2018-06-18/a>Xavier MertensMalicious JavaScript Targeting Mobile Browsers
2018-06-16/a>Russ McReeAnomaly Detection & Threat Hunting with Anomalize
2018-06-15/a>Lorna HutchesonSMTP Strangeness - Possible C2
2018-06-12/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft June 2018 Patch Tuesday
2018-06-05/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Post-Exploitation Batch File
2018-05-25/a>Xavier MertensAntivirus Evasion? Easy as 1,2,3
2018-05-22/a>Guy BruneauVMware updates enable Hypervisor-Assisted Guest Mitigations for Speculative Store Bypass issue -
2018-05-19/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Powershell Targeting UK Bank Customers
2018-05-10/a>Bojan ZdrnjaExfiltrating data from (very) isolated environments
2018-05-09/a>Xavier MertensNice Phishing Sample Delivering Trickbot
2018-04-30/a>Remco VerhoefAnother approach to webapplication fingerprinting
2018-04-25/a>Johannes UllrichYet Another Drupal RCE Vulnerability
2018-03-11/a>Guy BruneaurockNSM Configuration & Installation Steps
2018-03-01/a>Johannes UllrichWhy Does Emperor Xi Dislike Winnie the Pooh and Scrambled Eggs?
2018-02-25/a>Guy BruneauBlackhole Advertising Sites with Pi-hole
2018-01-23/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates Everything, Again
2018-01-03/a>John BambenekPhishing to Rural America Leads to Six-figure Wire Fraud Losses
2017-12-20/a>Richard PorterVMWare Security Advisory: VMSA-2017-0021:
2017-12-16/a>Xavier MertensMicrosoft Office VBA Macro Obfuscation via Metadata
2017-12-13/a>Xavier MertensTracking Newly Registered Domains
2017-12-12/a>Johannes UllrichDecember Microsoft Patch Tuesday Summary
2017-11-23/a>Xavier MertensProactive Malicious Domain Search
2017-11-11/a>Xavier MertensKeep An Eye on your Root Certificates
2017-11-03/a>Xavier MertensSimple Analysis of an Obfuscated JAR File
2017-10-27/a>Renato Marinho"Catch-All" Google Chrome Malicious Extension Steals All Posted Data
2017-10-02/a>Xavier MertensInvestigating Security Incidents with Passive DNS
2017-09-30/a>Lorna HutchesonWho's Borrowing your Resources?
2017-09-17/a>Guy BruneaurockNSM as a Incident Response Package
2017-09-16/a>Guy BruneauVMware ESXi, vCenter Server, Fusion and Workstation updates resolve multiple security vulnerabilities -
2017-09-09/a>Didier StevensMalware analysis output sanitization
2017-09-08/a>Adrien de BeaupreYASRV (Yet Another Struts RCE Vulnerability) yes a different one from yesterday
2017-09-06/a>Adrien de BeaupreModern Web Application Penetration Testing , Hash Length Extension Attacks
2017-09-05/a>Adrien de BeaupreStruts vulnerability patch released by apache, patch now
2017-08-17/a>Xavier MertensMaldoc with auto-updated link
2017-08-07/a>Xavier MertensIncrease of phpMyAdmin scans
2017-07-30/a>Guy BruneauRe-release of MS Oulook Security Patches
2017-07-11/a>Renato MarinhoJuly's Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2017-07-09/a>Russ McReeAdversary hunting with SOF-ELK
2017-07-08/a>Xavier MertensA VBScript with Obfuscated Base64 Data
2017-06-28/a>Brad DuncanCatching up with Blank Slate: a malspam campaign still going strong
2017-06-22/a>Xavier MertensObfuscating without XOR
2017-06-17/a>Guy BruneauMapping Use Cases to Logs. Which Logs are the Most Important to Collect?
2017-06-08/a>Tom WebbSummer STEM for Kids
2017-05-31/a>Pasquale StirparoAnalysis of Competing Hypotheses, WCry and Lazarus (ACH part 2)
2017-05-28/a>Pasquale StirparoAnalysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH part 1)
2017-05-28/a>Guy BruneauCyberChef a Must Have Tool in your Tool bag!
2017-05-20/a>Xavier MertensTyposquatting: Awareness and Hunting
2017-05-16/a>Russ McReeWannaCry? Do your own data analysis.
2017-05-10/a>Johannes UllrichRead This If You Are Using a Script to Pull Data From This Site
2017-05-03/a>Bojan ZdrnjaPowershelling with exploits
2017-04-28/a>Xavier MertensAnother Day, Another Obfuscation Technique
2017-04-21/a>Xavier MertensAnalysis of a Maldoc with Multiple Layers of Obfuscation
2017-04-20/a>Xavier MertensDNS Query Length... Because Size Does Matter
2017-04-19/a>Xavier MertensHunting for Malicious Excel Sheets
2017-04-02/a>Guy BruneauIPFire - A Household Multipurpose Security Gateway
2017-03-30/a>Xavier MertensDiverting built-in features for the bad
2017-03-25/a>Russell EubanksDistraction as a Service
2017-03-24/a>Xavier MertensNicely Obfuscated JavaScript Sample
2017-03-18/a>Xavier MertensExample of Multiple Stages Dropper
2017-03-14/a>Johannes UllrichFebruary and March Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2017-03-10/a>Xavier MertensThe Side Effect of GeoIP Filters
2017-03-06/a>Renato MarinhoA very convincing Typosquatting + Social Engineering campaign is targeting Santander corporate customers in Brazil
2017-03-04/a>Xavier MertensHow your pictures may affect your website reputation
2017-02-28/a>Xavier MertensAnalysis of a Simple PHP Backdoor
2017-02-14/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Delayed
2017-02-12/a>Xavier MertensAnalysis of a Suspicious Piece of JavaScript
2017-02-04/a>Xavier MertensDetecting Undisclosed Vulnerabilities with Security Tools & Features
2017-02-01/a>Xavier MertensQuick Analysis of Data Left Available by Attackers
2017-01-26/a>Xavier MertensIOC's: Risks of False Positive Alerts Flood Ahead
2017-01-10/a>Johannes UllrichJanuary 2017 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2017-01-06/a>John BambenekGreat Misadventures of Security Vendors: Absurd Sandboxing Edition
2016-11-27/a>Russ McReeScapy vs. CozyDuke
2016-11-02/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhat Does a Pentest Look Like?
2016-10-30/a>Pasquale StirparoVolatility Bot: Automated Memory Analysis
2016-10-07/a>Rick WannerFirst Hurricane Matthew related Phish
2016-09-28/a>Xavier MertensSNMP Pwn3ge
2016-09-25/a>Pasquale StirparoDefining Threat Intelligence Requirements
2016-09-22/a>Rick WannerYAHDD! (Yet another HUGE data Breach!)
2016-09-15/a>Xavier MertensIn Need of a OTP Manager Soon?
2016-09-13/a>Rob VandenBrinkApple iOS 10 and 10.0.1 Released
2016-09-13/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Analysis
2016-09-04/a>Russ McReeKali Linux 2016.2 Release:
2016-09-02/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches "Trident" Vulnerabilities in OS X / Safari
2016-08-31/a>Deborah HaleDropbox Breach
2016-08-29/a>Russ McReeRecommended Reading: Intrusion Detection Using Indicators of Compromise Based on Best Practices and Windows Event Logs
2016-08-28/a>Guy BruneauSpam with Obfuscated Javascript
2016-08-22/a>Russ McReeRed Team Tools Updates: hashcat and SpiderFoot
2016-08-21/a>Rick WannerCisco ASA SNMP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
2016-08-19/a>Xavier MertensData Classification For the Masses
2016-07-31/a>Pasquale StirparoSharing (intel) is caring... or not?
2016-07-27/a>Xavier MertensCritical Xen PV guests vulnerabilities
2016-07-26/a>Johannes UllrichCommand and Control Channels Using "AAAA" DNS Records
2016-07-12/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Summary for July 2016
2016-07-03/a>Guy BruneauIs Data Privacy part of your Company's Culture?
2016-06-22/a>Bojan ZdrnjaSecurity through obscurity never works
2016-06-20/a>Xavier MertensUsing Your Password Manager to Monitor Data Leaks
2016-06-15/a>Richard PorterWarp Speed Ahead, L7 Open Source Packet Generator: Warp17
2016-06-03/a>Tom ListonMySQL is YourSQL
2016-05-16/a>Rick WannerAn oldie but a goodie - 419 Death Scam
2016-05-02/a>Rick WannerLean Threat Intelligence
2016-04-25/a>Guy BruneauHighlights from the 2016 HPE Annual Cyber Threat Report
2016-04-02/a>Russell EubanksWhy Can't We Be Friends?
2016-03-08/a>Rick WannerCritical Adobe Updates - March 2016
2016-03-07/a>Xavier MertensAnother Malicious Document, Another Way to Deliver Malicious Code
2016-02-28/a>Guy BruneauRFC 6598 - Carrier Grade NAT
2016-02-27/a>Guy BruneauOpenSSL Security Update Planned for 1 March Release
2016-02-23/a>Xavier MertensVMware VMSA-2016-0002
2016-02-22/a>Xavier MertensReducing False Positives with Open Data Sources
2016-02-20/a>Didier StevensLocky: JavaScript Deobfuscation
2016-02-11/a>Tom WebbTomcat IR with XOR.DDoS
2016-02-09/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft February 2016 Patch Tuesday
2016-02-09/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Patch Tuesday - February 2016
2016-02-07/a>Xavier MertensMore Malicious JavaScript Obfuscation
2016-02-03/a>Xavier MertensAutomating Vulnerability Scans
2016-01-30/a>Xavier MertensAll CVE Details at Your Fingertips
2016-01-29/a>Xavier MertensScripting Web Categorization
2016-01-25/a>Rob VandenBrinkAssessing Remote Certificates with Powershell
2016-01-21/a>Jim ClausingScanning for Fortinet ssh backdoor
2016-01-15/a>Xavier MertensJavaScript Deobfuscation Tool
2016-01-12/a>Alex StanfordJanuary 2016 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-12-24/a>Xavier MertensUnity Makes Strength
2015-12-14/a>Russ McReeAD Security's Unofficial Guide to Mimikatz & Command Reference
2015-12-08/a>Johannes UllrichDecember 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-11-10/a>Johannes UllrichNovember 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-11-09/a>John BambenekProtecting Users and Enterprises from the Mobile Malware Threat
2015-10-13/a>Alex StanfordOctober 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-10-12/a>Guy BruneauData Visualization,What is your Tool of Choice?
2015-10-09/a>Guy BruneauAdobe Acrobat and Reader Pre-Announcement
2015-09-08/a>Johannes UllrichSeptember 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-09-03/a>Xavier MertensQuerying the DShield API from RTIR
2015-09-01/a>Daniel WesemannEncryption of "data at rest" in servers
2015-08-11/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezAugust 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-07-31/a>Russ McReeTech tip: Invoke a system command in R
2015-07-31/a>Russ McReeTech tip follow-up: Using the data Invoked with R's system command
2015-07-23/a>Mark HofmanSome more 0-days from ZDI
2015-07-15/a>Richard PorterAlways Check Your References (Cheat Sheets to the Rescue)
2015-07-14/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Updates Flash Player, Shockwave and PDF Reader
2015-07-14/a>Johannes UllrichJuly 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2015-06-09/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Summary for June 2015
2015-06-02/a>Alex StanfordGuest Diary: Xavier Mertens - Playing with IP Reputation with Dshield & OSSEC
2015-05-23/a>Guy BruneauBusiness Value in "Big Data"
2015-05-14/a>Daniel WesemannOh Bloat!
2015-05-12/a>Johannes UllrichMay 2015 Microsoft Patch Tuesday Summary
2015-05-03/a>Russ McReeVolDiff, for memory image differential analysis
2015-04-28/a>Daniel WesemannScammy Nepal earthquake donation requests
2015-04-14/a>Alex StanfordMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - April 2015
2015-04-08/a>Tom WebbIs it a breach or not?
2015-04-04/a>Didier StevensVMware Product Updates Address Critical Information Disclosure Issue In JRE
2015-03-26/a>Daniel WesemannPin-up on your Smartphone!
2015-03-21/a>Russell EubanksHave you seen my personal information? It has been lost. Again.
2015-03-18/a>Daniel WesemannPass the hash!
2015-03-10/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft March Patch Tuesday
2015-03-01/a>Rick WannerAdvisory: Seagate NAS Remote Code Execution
2015-02-27/a>Rick WannerLet's Encrypt!
2015-02-26/a>Johannes UllrichNew Feature: Subnet Report
2015-02-19/a>Daniel WesemannDNS-based DDoS
2015-02-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkoclHashcat 1.33 Released
2015-02-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkA Different Kind of Equation
2015-02-13/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft February Patch Failures Continue: KB3023607 vs. Cisco AnyConnect Client
2015-02-12/a>Johannes UllrichDid You Remove That Debug Code? Netatmo Weather Station Sending WPA Passphrase in the Clear
2015-02-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Hardens GPO by Fixing Two Serious Vulnerabilities.
2015-02-10/a>Mark BaggettDetecting Mimikatz Use On Your Network
2015-02-10/a>Mark BaggettMicrosoft Update Advisory for February 2015
2015-01-23/a>Adrien de BeaupreInfocon change to yellow for Adobe Flash issues
2015-01-13/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - January 2015 (Really? Telnet?)
2014-12-23/a>John BambenekHow I learned to stop worrying and love malware DGAs....
2014-12-09/a>Alex StanfordMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - December 2014
2014-12-01/a>Guy BruneauDo you have a Data Breach Response Plan?
2014-11-24/a>Richard PorterSomeone is using this? PoS: Compressor
2014-11-18/a>Jim ClausingMicrosoft November out-of-cycle patch MS14-068
2014-11-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft November 2014 Patch Tuesday
2014-11-11/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Flash Update
2014-10-17/a>Johannes UllrichApple Updates (not just Yosemite)
2014-10-14/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft October 2014 Patch Tuesday
2014-10-14/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe October 2014 Bulletins for Flash Player and Coldfusion
2014-09-29/a>Johannes UllrichApple Released Update to Fix Shellshock Vulnerability
2014-09-26/a>Richard PorterWhy We Have Moved to InfoCon:Yellow
2014-09-19/a>Guy BruneauAdded today in oclhashcat 131 Django [Default Auth] (PBKDF2 SHA256 Rounds Salt) Support -
2014-09-09/a>Alex StanfordMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - September 2014
2014-08-25/a>Jim ClausingUnusual CRL traffic?
2014-08-22/a>Richard PorterOCLHashCat 1.30 Released
2014-08-22/a>Richard PorterPHP 5.4.32 Released
2014-08-22/a>Richard PorterPHP 5.5.16 is available
2014-08-12/a>Alex StanfordMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - August 2014
2014-08-12/a>Adrien de BeaupreAdobe updates for 2014/08
2014-08-09/a>Adrien de BeaupreComplete application ownage via Multi-POST XSRF
2014-08-05/a>Johannes UllrichLegal Threat Spam: Sometimes it Gets Personal
2014-08-04/a>Russ McReeThreats & Indicators: A Security Intelligence Lifecycle
2014-08-01/a>Chris MohanWireShark 1.10.9 and 1.12.0 has been released
2014-07-30/a>Rick WannerSymantec Endpoint Protection Privilege Escalation Zero Day
2014-07-19/a>Russ McReeKeeping the RATs out: the trap is sprung - Part 3
2014-07-18/a>Russ McReeKeeping the RATs out: **it happens - Part 2
2014-07-16/a>Russ McReeKeeping the RATs out: an exercise in building IOCs - Part 1
2014-07-15/a>Daniel WesemannOracle July 2014 CPU (patch bundle)
2014-07-11/a>Rob VandenBrinkMetasploit Update Alert
2014-07-09/a>Daniel WesemannWho owns your typo?
2014-07-08/a>Alex StanfordMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - July
2014-07-01/a>Johannes UllrichApple Releases Patches for All Products
2014-06-28/a>Mark HofmanNo more Microsoft advisory email notifications?
2014-06-12/a>Guy BruneauBIND Security Update for CVE-2014-3859
2014-06-10/a>Alex StanfordMicrosoft Patch Tuesday June 2014
2014-06-06/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft June Patch Tuesday Advance Notification
2014-05-13/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft May 2014 Patch Tuesday
2014-05-01/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Announces Special Patch for IE 0-day (Win XP included!)
2014-04-26/a>Guy BruneauNew Project by Linux Foundation - Core Infrastructure Initiative
2014-04-24/a>Rob VandenBrinkApple IOS updates to 7.1.1, OSX Security update 2014-002, Airport Updates -,,,
2014-04-22/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches for OS X, iOS and Apple TV.
2014-04-16/a>Johannes UllrichOracle Critical Patch Update for April 2014
2014-04-12/a>Guy BruneauCritical Security Update for JetPack WordPress Plugin. Bug has existed since Jetpack 1.9, released in October 2012. -
2014-04-08/a>Richard PorterApril 2014 Microsoft Patches
2014-04-02/a>Kevin ShorttApple Security Update for Safari 6.1.3/7.0.3:
2014-03-21/a>Johannes UllrichCisco AsyncOS Patch
2014-03-13/a>Daniel WesemannIdentification and authentication are hard ... finding out intention is even harder
2014-03-11/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Updates: Flash Player
2014-03-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday March 2014
2014-03-08/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft March Patch Pre-Announcement
2014-03-07/a>Tom WebbLinux Memory Dump with Rekall
2014-03-06/a>Mark BaggettPort 5000 traffic and snort signature
2014-03-04/a>Daniel WesemannTriple Handshake Cookie Cutter
2014-02-26/a>Russ McReeOngoing NTP Amplification Attacks
2014-02-25/a>Alex StanfordApple releases OS X 10.9.2 patching SSL vulnerability and updates Safari
2014-02-19/a>Russ McReeThreat modeling in the name of security
2014-02-17/a>Chris MohanNTP reflection attacks continue
2014-02-14/a>Chris MohanSYM14-004 Symantec Endpoint Protection Management Vulnerabilities -
2014-02-11/a>Johannes UllrichFebruary 2014 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2014-02-11/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe February 2014 Patch Tuesday
2014-02-07/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Advance Notification for February 2014
2014-02-04/a>Johannes UllrichOdd ICMP Echo Request Payload
2014-02-04/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Flash Player Emergency Patch
2014-01-30/a>Johannes UllrichOracle Reports Vulnerability
2014-01-17/a>Russ McReeMassive RFI scans likely a free web app vuln scanner rather than bots
2014-01-14/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday January 2014
2014-01-14/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Patch Tuesday January 2014
2014-01-14/a>Johannes UllrichOracle Critical Patch Update January 2014
2014-01-10/a>Basil Alawi S.TaherCisco Small Business Devices backdoor fix
2014-01-09/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for January 2014
2014-01-04/a>Tom WebbMonitoring Windows Networks Using Syslog (Part One)
2013-12-28/a>Russ McReeWeekend Reading List 27 DEC
2013-12-20/a>Daniel Wesemannauthorized key lime pie
2013-12-18/a>Adrien de BeaupreWireshark 1.10.4 and 1.8.12 are available
2013-12-17/a>Adrien de BeaupreApple security updates Mac OS X and Safari
2013-12-14/a>Johannes UllrichWhatsApp Malware Spam uses Geolocation to Mass Customize Filename
2013-12-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkThose Look Just Like Hashes!
2013-12-10/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft December Patch Tuesday
2013-12-07/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft December Patch Pre-Announcement
2013-12-04/a>Adrien de BeaupreVMware Security Advisory VMSA-2013-0014
2013-12-02/a>Richard PorterReports of higher than normal SSH Attacks
2013-11-27/a>Rob VandenBrinkATM Traffic + TCPDump + Video = Good or Evil?
2013-11-12/a>Johannes UllrichNovember 2013 Microsoft Patch Tuesday
2013-11-08/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Preview
2013-11-01/a>Russ McReeSecunia's PSI Country Report - Q3 2013
2013-10-21/a>Johannes UllrichNew tricks that may bring DNS spoofing back or: "Why you should enable DNSSEC even if it is a pain to do"
2013-10-17/a>Adrien de BeaupreChrome updated
2013-10-16/a>Adrien de BeaupreAccess denied and blockliss
2013-10-15/a>Rob VandenBrinkJava Quarterly Updates
2013-10-08/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft October 2013 Patch Tuesday
2013-10-05/a>Richard PorterAdobe Breach Notification, Notifications?
2013-10-03/a>Johannes UllrichOctober Patch Tuesday Preview (CVE-2013-3893 patch coming!)
2013-09-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkCisco DCNM Update Released
2013-09-11/a>Johannes UllrichReboot Wednesday: Yesterday's Patch Tuesday Aftermath
2013-09-10/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe September 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-09-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft September 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-09-10/a>Swa FrantzenMacs need to patch too!
2013-09-07/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft September Patch Pre-Announcement
2013-09-05/a>Rob VandenBrinkBuilding Your Own GPU Enabled Private Cloud
2013-09-03/a>Rob VandenBrinkIs "Reputation Backscatter" a Thing?
2013-08-19/a>Guy Bruneau Business Risks and Cyber Attacks
2013-08-19/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft re-releases MS13-066:
2013-08-15/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Pulls MS013-061 due to problems with Exchange Server 2013
2013-08-13/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft August 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-08-13/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft security advisories: RDP and MD5 deprecation in Microsoft root certificates
2013-08-11/a>Bojan ZdrnjaXATattacks (attacks on
2013-07-28/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 1.8.9 and 1.10.1 Security Update
2013-07-27/a>Scott FendleyDefending Against Web Server Denial of Service Attacks
2013-07-13/a>Lenny ZeltserDecoy Personas for Safeguarding Online Identity Using Deception
2013-07-09/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft July 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-07-09/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe July 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-07-06/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft July Patch Pre-Announcement
2013-07-06/a>Guy BruneauIs Metadata the Magic in Modern Network Security?
2013-07-04/a>Russ McReeCelebrating 4th of July With a Malware PCAP Visualization
2013-07-03/a>Kevin ShorttApple Security Update 2013-003
2013-06-26/a>Adrien de BeaupreMultiple Cisco security advisories
2013-06-18/a>Russ McReeEMET 4.0 is now available for download
2013-06-18/a>Russ McReeVolatility rules...any questions?
2013-06-11/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft June 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-06-11/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe June 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-06-11/a>Swa Frantzenvmware security advisory VMSA-2013-0008
2013-06-05/a>Richard PorterWindows Sysinternals Updated
2013-06-05/a>Richard PorterBIND 9 Update fixing CVE-2013-3919
2013-05-23/a>Adrien de BeaupreMoVP II
2013-05-22/a>Adrien de BeaupreApple QuickTime 7.7.4 for Windows updated, MANY security vulnerabilities:
2013-05-22/a>Adrien de BeaupreChrome 24.0.1312.52 has been updated for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome Frame
2013-05-22/a>Adrien de BeauprePrivilege escalation, why should I care?
2013-05-17/a>Johannes UllrichSSL: Another reason not to ignore IPv6
2013-05-16/a>Daniel WesemannExtracting signatures from Apple .apps
2013-05-14/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft May 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-05-14/a>Swa FrantzenFirefox & Thunderbird released
2013-05-14/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe May 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-05-14/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft Security Advisory 2846338
2013-05-11/a>Lenny ZeltserExtracting Digital Signatures from Signed Malware
2013-05-08/a>Chris MohanSyria drops from Internet 7th May 2013
2013-05-07/a>Jim ClausingIs there an epidemic of typo squatting?
2013-05-04/a>Kevin ShorttThe Zero-Day Pendulum Swings
2013-04-25/a>Adam SwangerGuest Diary: Dylan Johnson - A week in the life of some Perimeter Firewalls
2013-04-19/a>Russ McReeJava 8 release schedule delayed for renewed focus on security
2013-04-17/a>John BambenekUPDATEDx1: Boston-Related Malware Campaigns Have Begun - Now with Waco Plant Explosion Fun
2013-04-16/a>John BambenekFake Boston Marathon Scams Update
2013-04-15/a>John BambenekPlease send any spam (full headers), URLs or other suspicious content scamming off Boston Marathon explosions to
2013-04-15/a>Rob VandenBrinkOops - You Mean That Deleted Server was a Certificate Authority?
2013-04-09/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft April 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-04-09/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe April 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-04-04/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft April Patch Tuesday Advance Notification
2013-04-03/a>Mark HofmanFirefox 20 and Thunderbird 17.0.5 updates
2013-03-29/a>Chris MohanDoes your breach email notification look like a phish?
2013-03-23/a>Guy BruneauApple ID Two-step Verification Now Available in some Countries
2013-03-12/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft March 2013 Black Tuesday Overview
2013-03-12/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe March 2013 Black Tueday
2013-03-07/a>Guy BruneauWireshark Security Updates
2013-03-06/a>Adam SwangerIPv6 Focus Month: Guest Diary: Stephen Groat - Geolocation Using IPv6 Addresses
2013-03-03/a>Richard PorterUptick in MSSQL Activity
2013-02-27/a>Adam SwangerAdobe Flash Player Security Update -
2013-02-22/a>Chris MohanPHP 5.4.12 and PHP 5.3.22 released
2013-02-22/a>Chris MohanChrome 25.0.1364.87 addresses multiple vulnerabilities
2013-02-22/a>Chris MohanVMware releases new and updated security advisories
2013-02-20/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezSANS SCADA Summit at Orlando - Bigger problems and so far from getting them solved
2013-02-17/a>Guy BruneauHP ArcSight Connector Appliance and Logger Vulnerabilities
2013-02-17/a>Guy BruneauAdobe Acrobat and Reader Security Update Planned this Week
2013-02-14/a>Adam SwangerISC Monthly Threat Update - February 2013
2013-02-13/a>Swa FrantzenMore adobe reader and acrobat (PDF) trouble
2013-02-12/a>Adam SwangerMicrosoft February 2013 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2013-02-12/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe Feb 2013 Black Tuesday patches
2013-02-08/a>Kevin ShorttIs it Spam or Is it Malware?
2013-02-08/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft February Patch Tuesday Advance Notification
2013-02-06/a>Johannes UllrichAre you losing system logging information (and don't know it)?
2013-02-04/a>Adam SwangerSAN Securing The Human Monthly Awareness Video - Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)
2013-02-01/a>Jim ClausingOracle quitely releases Java 7u13 early
2013-01-25/a>Johannes UllrichVulnerability Scans via Search Engines (Request for Logs)
2013-01-22/a>Richard PorterUsing Metasploit for Patch Sanity Checks
2013-01-17/a>Russ McReePHP 5.4.11 and PHP 5.3.21 released
2013-01-14/a>Richard PorterJanuary 2013 Microsoft Out of Cycle Patch
2013-01-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhat Else runs Telnets? Or, Pentesters Love Video Conferencing Units Too!
2013-01-10/a>Adam SwangerISC Monthly Threat Update New Format
2013-01-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkSQL Injection Flaw in Ruby on Rails
2013-01-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkFirefox and Thunderbird Updates
2013-01-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkSecurity Updates for Adobe Reader / Acrobat -
2013-01-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkSecurity Updates for Adobe Flash -
2013-01-09/a>Johannes UllrichNew Format for Monthly Threat Update
2013-01-08/a>Richard PorterMicrosoft January 2013 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2013-01-08/a>Richard PorterFirefox 18 Released, Security Fixes
2013-01-04/a>Daniel WesemannPatch pre-notification from Adobe and Microsoft
2013-01-03/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezNew year and new CA compromised
2012-12-18/a>Dan GoldbergMitigating the impact of organizational change: a risk assessment
2012-12-14/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Webhoneypot: Web Server Log Project
2012-12-11/a>John BambenekMicrosoft December 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-12-07/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Glossary Additions
2012-12-03/a>John BambenekJohn McAfee Exposes His Location in Photo About His Being on Run
2012-11-30/a>Daniel WesemannSnipping Leaks
2012-11-29/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: SSH Scan Reports
2012-11-29/a>Kevin ShorttNew Apple Security Update: APPLE-SA-2012-11-29-1 Apple TV 5.1.1
2012-11-28/a>Mark HofmanMcAfee releases extraDAT for W32/Autorun.worm.aaeb-h
2012-11-28/a>Mark HofmanNew version of wireshark is available (1.8.4), some security fixes included.
2012-11-27/a>Chris MohanCan users' phish emails be a security admin's catch of the day?
2012-11-26/a>John BambenekOnline Shopping for the Holidays? Tips, News and a Fair Warning
2012-11-22/a>Kevin ListonGreek National Arrested on Suspicion of Theft of 9M Records on Fellow Greeks
2012-11-20/a>John BambenekBehind the Random NTP Bizarreness of Incorrect Year Being Set
2012-11-20/a>John BambenekFirefox v 17.0 just released, more here:
2012-11-19/a>John BambenekMoneyGram fined $100 million for aiding wire fraud -
2012-11-19/a>John BambenekNew Poll: Top 5 Unresolved Security Problems of 2012
2012-11-17/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezNew Sysinternal Updates: AdExplorer v1.44, Contig v1.7, Coreinfo v3.2, Procdump v5.1. See
2012-11-13/a>Jim ClausingMicrosoft November 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-11-12/a>John BambenekRequest for info: Robocall Phishing Against Local/Regional Banks
2012-11-09/a>Mark BaggettFresh batch of Microsoft patches next week
2012-11-09/a>Mark BaggettRemote Diagnostics with PSR
2012-11-07/a>Mark BaggettHelp eliminate unquoted path vulnerabilities
2012-11-07/a>Mark BaggettMultiple 0-Days Reported!
2012-11-07/a>Mark BaggettCisco TACACS+ Authentication Bypass
2012-11-05/a>Johannes UllrichReminder: Ongoing SMTP Brute Forcing Attacks
2012-11-05/a>Johannes UllrichPossible Fake-AV Ads from Doubleclick Servers
2012-11-04/a>Lorna HutchesonWhat's important on your network?
2012-10-31/a>Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 31 - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
2012-10-30/a>Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 30 - DSD 35 mitigating controls
2012-10-30/a>Johannes UllrichHurricane Sandy Update
2012-10-30/a>Richard PorterSplunk 5.0 SP-CAAAHB4
2012-10-28/a>Tony CarothersFirefox 16.02 Released
2012-10-26/a>Russ McReeCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 26 - Attackers use trusted domain to propagate Citadel Zeus variant
2012-10-25/a>Richard PorterCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 25 - Pro Audio & Video Packets on the Wire
2012-10-24/a>Russ McReeOngoing Windstream outage in the midwest -
2012-10-21/a>Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 22: Connectors
2012-10-21/a>Lorna HutchesonPotential Phish for Regular Webmail Accounts
2012-10-19/a>Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19: Standard log formats and CEE.
2012-10-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 18 - Vendor Standards: The vSphere Hardening Guide
2012-10-17/a>Mark HofmanOracle Critical Patch Update October
2012-10-17/a>Mark HofmanNew Acrobat release (including reader) available. Version 11. Some security improvements more here -->
2012-10-16/a>Richard PorterCyberAwareness Month - Day 15, Standards Body Soup (pt2), Same Soup Different Cook.
2012-10-16/a>Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 16: W3C and HTML
2012-10-14/a>Pedro BuenoCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 14 - Poor Man's File Analysis System - Part 1
2012-10-09/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft October 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-10-09/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Flash Player update
2012-10-07/a>Tony CarothersCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 7 - Rollup Review of CSAM Week 1
2012-10-05/a>Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 5: Standards Body Soup, So many Flavors in the bowl.
2012-10-05/a>Richard PorterVMWare Security Advisory: VMSA-2012-0014 -
2012-10-05/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Report Fake Tech Support Call Statistics
2012-10-05/a>Richard PorterReports of a Distributed Injection Scan
2012-10-04/a>Mark HofmanAnd the SHA-3 title goes to .....Keccak
2012-10-04/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft October Patch Pre-Announcement
2012-10-02/a>Russ McReeCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 2 - PCI Security Standard: Mobile Payment Acceptance Security Guidelines
2012-10-01/a>Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month
2012-09-28/a>Joel EslerAdobe certification revocation for October 4th
2012-09-27/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Glossary
2012-09-26/a>Johannes UllrichSome Android phones can be reset to factory default by clicking on links
2012-09-26/a>Johannes UllrichMore Java Woes
2012-09-21/a>Johannes UllrichiOS 6 Security Roundup
2012-09-21/a>Guy BruneauUpdate for Vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10 (2755801)
2012-09-20/a>Russ McReeFlash Player update but no announcement, check your version
2012-09-20/a>Russ McReeApple and Cisco Security Advisories 19 SEP 2012
2012-09-20/a>Russ McReeFinancial sector advisory: attacks and threats against financial institutions
2012-09-19/a>Russ McReeScript kiddie scavenging with Shellbot.S
2012-09-19/a>Kevin ListonVolatility: 2.2 is Coming Soon
2012-09-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhat's on your iPad?
2012-09-14/a>Lenny ZeltserScam Report - Fake Voice Mail Email Notification Redirects to Malicious Site
2012-09-14/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Privacy Policy
2012-09-13/a>Mark BaggettTCP Fuzzing with Scapy
2012-09-13/a>Mark BaggettMicrosoft disrupts traffic associated with the Nitol botnet
2012-09-13/a>Mark BaggettMore SSL trouble
2012-09-11/a>Adam SwangerMicrosoft September 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-09-10/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Pre-Release
2012-09-10/a>Johannes UllrichGodaddy DDoS Attack
2012-09-10/a>donald smithBlue Toad publishing co compromise lead to UDID release.
2012-09-08/a>Guy BruneauWebmin Input Validation Vulnerabilities
2012-09-06/a>Johannes UllrichSSL Requests sent to port 80 (request for help/input)
2012-09-04/a>Johannes UllrichAnother round of "Spot the Exploit E-Mail"
2012-09-02/a>Lorna HutchesonDemonstrating the value of your Intrusion Detection Program and Analysts
2012-09-01/a>Russ McReeBlackhole targeting Java vulnerability via fake Microsoft Services Agreement email phish
2012-08-31/a>Russ McReeNot so fast: Java 7 Update 7 critical vulnerability discovered in less than 24 hours
2012-08-30/a>Johannes UllrichEditorial: The Slumlord Approach to Network Security
2012-08-29/a>Johannes Ullrich"Data" URLs used for in-URL phishing
2012-08-27/a>Johannes UllrichThe Good, Bad and Ugly about Assigning IPv6 Addresses
2012-08-27/a>Johannes UllrichMalware Spam harvesting Facebook Information
2012-08-26/a>Lorna HutchesonWho ya gonna contact?
2012-08-23/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Contact Us
2012-08-22/a>Adrien de BeaupreApple Remote Desktop update fixes no encryption issue
2012-08-22/a>Adrien de BeauprePhishing/spam via SMS
2012-08-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreYYABCAFU - Yes Yet Another Bleeping Critical Adobe Flash Update
2012-08-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreRuggedCom fails key management 101 on Rugged Operating System (ROS)
2012-08-20/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezDo we need test procedures in our companies before implementing Antivirus signatures?
2012-08-19/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezAuthentication Issues between entities during protocol message exchange in SCADA Systems
2012-08-15/a>Guy BruneauWireshark Security Update
2012-08-14/a>Rick WannerMicrosoft August 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-08-14/a>Rick WannerAdobe Security Bulletins -
2012-08-12/a>Tony CarothersLayers of the Defense-in-Depth Onion
2012-08-12/a>Tony CarothersOracle Security Alert for CVE-2012-3132
2012-08-10/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Report Fake Tech Support Calls
2012-08-09/a>Mark HofmanZeus/Citadel variant causing issues in the Netherlands
2012-08-09/a>Mark HofmanSQL Injection Lilupophilupop style, Part 2
2012-08-07/a>Adrien de BeaupreWho protects small business?
2012-08-04/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Handler Select News Feed
2012-08-04/a>Kevin ListonVendors: More Patch-Release Options Please
2012-08-02/a>Guy BruneauOpera Security Update
2012-07-27/a>Daniel WesemannCuckoo 0.4 is out - cool new features for malware analysis
2012-07-26/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: The 404Project - now with IP Mask
2012-07-24/a>Richard PorterReport of spike in DNS Queries
2012-07-24/a>Richard PorterWireshark 1.8.1 Released
2012-07-20/a>Mark BaggettSyria Internet connection cut?
2012-07-19/a>Mark BaggettDiagnosing Malware with Resource Monitor
2012-07-19/a>Mark BaggettA Heap of Overflows?
2012-07-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkSnort Updated today
2012-07-18/a>Rob VandenBrinkVote NO to Weak Keys!
2012-07-16/a>Richard PorterSysinternals Update @
2012-07-15/a>Guy BruneauOracle July 2012 Critical Patch Pre-Release Announcement
2012-07-14/a>Tony CarothersUser Awareness and Education
2012-07-13/a>Richard PorterYesterday (not as on the ball as Rob) at SANSFire
2012-07-13/a>Russ McRee2 for 1: SANSFIRE & MSRA presentations
2012-07-13/a>Russ McReeVMWare Security Advisory 12 JUL 2012
2012-07-13/a>Russ McReeYahoo service SQL injection vuln leads to account exposure
2012-07-12/a>Rick WannerCisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco TelePresence Immersive Endpoint Devices -
2012-07-12/a>Rick WannerCisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco TelePresence Manager -
2012-07-12/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Internet Storm Center Events
2012-07-12/a>Rick WannerCisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch -
2012-07-12/a>Rick WannerCisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco TelePresence Recording Server -
2012-07-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft July 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-07-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkToday at SANSFIRE (09 July 2012) - ISC Panel Discussion on the State of the Internet
2012-07-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft revoking trust in Microsoft certificates - SA 2728973
2012-07-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft fix-it to disable gadgets - SA 2719662
2012-07-09/a>Johannes UllrichThe FBI will turn off the Internet on Monday (or not)
2012-07-09/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezInternet Storm Center panel tonight at SANSFIRE 2012!
2012-07-05/a>Adrien de BeaupreNew OS X trojan backdoor MaControl variant reported
2012-07-05/a>Adrien de BeaupreMicrosoft advanced notification for July 2012 patch Tuesday
2012-07-02/a>Joel EslerA rough guide to keeping your website up
2012-07-02/a>Dan GoldbergStorms of June 29th 2012 in Mid Atlantic region of the USA
2012-07-02/a>Joel EslerLinux & Java leap second bug
2012-06-29/a>Jim ClausingUpdated SysInternals tools - Autoruns, Process Explorer, Process Monitor, PSKill --
2012-06-28/a>Chris MohanMassive spike in BGP traffic - Possible BGP poisoning?
2012-06-28/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: About the Internet Storm Center
2012-06-25/a>Guy BruneauIssues with Windows Update Agent
2012-06-25/a>Guy BruneauUsing JSDetox to Analyze and Deobfuscate Javascript
2012-06-22/a>Kevin ListonUpdated Poll: Which Patch Delivery Schedule Works the Best for You?
2012-06-22/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Tools->ISC At-A-Glance
2012-06-21/a>Russ McReeAnalysis of drive-by attack sample set
2012-06-21/a>Russ McReeWireshark 1.8.0 released 21 JUN 2012
2012-06-20/a>Raul SilesFirefox 13.0.1 Update
2012-06-20/a>Raul SilesCVE-2012-0217 (from MS12-042) applies to other environments too
2012-06-19/a>Daniel Wesemann Vulnerabilityqueerprocessbrittleness
2012-06-13/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Certificate Updater
2012-06-12/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe June 2012 Black Tuesday patches
2012-06-12/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft June 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-06-12/a>Swa FrantzenJava 7u5 and 6u33 released
2012-06-11/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Update Security
2012-06-07/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft June Security Bulletin Advance Notification
2012-06-06/a>Jim ClausingFirefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey Security Updates
2012-06-05/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: IPv6 Preparedness and Tools
2012-06-01/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Country and Region Report
2012-05-31/a>Johannes UllrichSCADA@Home: Your health is no secret no more!
2012-05-24/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Country Report
2012-05-23/a>Mark BaggettProblems with MS12-035 affecting XP, SBS and Windows 2003?
2012-05-22/a>Johannes Ullrichnmap 6 released
2012-05-17/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Tools->Information Gathering
2012-05-16/a>Johannes UllrichReserved IP Address Space Reminder
2012-05-11/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Link List
2012-05-08/a>Adam SwangerMicrosoft May 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-05-04/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Data/Reports
2012-05-04/a>Guy BruneauAdobe Security Flash Update
2012-04-27/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Handler Created Tools
2012-04-21/a>Guy BruneauWordPress Release Security Update
2012-04-18/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Suspicious Domains
2012-04-15/a>Rick Wanner.Net update affects printing from some applications
2012-04-13/a>Daniel WesemannOracle CPU Patches announced for Apr 17
2012-04-13/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Get to know the Handlers
2012-04-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft April 2012 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
2012-04-10/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe April 2012 Black Tuesday Update
2012-04-06/a>Johannes UllrichAnother OS X Java Patch
2012-04-06/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft April Patch Tuesday Pre-Announcement (6 Patches):
2012-04-06/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Patch Tuesday Prerelease (Reader/Acrobat)
2012-04-04/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Diary/Infocon/Event Notifications
2012-03-27/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: ISC Poll
2012-03-21/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Presentations and Papers
2012-03-20/a>Johannes UllrichA Reminder: Private Key Security
2012-03-15/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Infocon
2012-03-13/a>Lenny ZeltserMarch 2012 Microsoft Black Tuesday
2012-03-12/a>Johannes UllrichApple Released Safari 5.1.4
2012-03-08/a>Johannes UllrichApple Patches
2012-03-08/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft March Patch Tuesday Pre-Anouncement out. 6 patches, 1 critical:
2012-03-06/a>Mark HofmanWebsense posted a small article relating to mass injection into wordpress sites (thanks Chris) More info Here -->
2012-03-06/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Follow us on Twitter
2012-03-05/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Flash Player Security Update
2012-03-03/a>Jim ClausingNew automated sandbox for Android malware
2012-02-29/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: 404Project Reports
2012-02-22/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Handler Diaries
2012-02-16/a>Tony CarothersJava Update for February
2012-02-15/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: XML Feeds
2012-02-14/a>Johannes UllrichAdobe Shockwave Player and RoboHelp for Word Patches
2012-02-14/a>Johannes UllrichFebruary 2012 Microsoft Black Tuesday
2012-02-08/a>Jim ClausingChrome to stop checking Certificate Revocation List (CRL)?
2012-02-07/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Security Dashboard
2012-02-04/a>Scott FendleyApple Security Advisory 2012-001 v1.1
2012-02-01/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: ISC Search
2012-02-01/a>Russ McReeOracle Security Alert:
2012-01-31/a>Russ McReeFirefox 10 and VMWare advisories and updates
2012-01-25/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: ISC Link Back
2012-01-18/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: The 404Project
2012-01-18/a>Richard PorterOracle Quarterly Released,
2012-01-16/a>Kevin ShorttZappos Breached
2012-01-11/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: Internet Storm Center / DShield API
2012-01-10/a>Adrien de BeaupreJanuary 2012 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2012-01-10/a>Adrien de BeaupreAdobe January 2012 Black Tuesday overview
2012-01-06/a>Guy BruneauJanuary 2012 Patch Tuesday Pre-release
2012-01-03/a>Rick WannerAnalysis of the Stratfor Password List
2012-01-03/a>Bojan ZdrnjaThe tale of obfuscated JavaScript continues
2012-01-03/a>Adam SwangerISC Feature of the Week: How to Submit Firewall Logs
2011-12-28/a>Daniel WesemannHash collisions vulnerability in web servers
2011-12-25/a>Deborah HaleAnother Company Falls Victim
2011-12-13/a>Johannes UllrichDecember 2011 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2011-12-08/a>Adrien de BeaupreMicrosoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for December 2011
2011-12-07/a>Lenny ZeltserAdobe Acrobat Latest Zero-Day Vulnerability Fix Coming to All Platforms by January 10
2011-12-01/a>Mark HofmanSQL Injection Attack happening ATM
2011-11-19/a>Pedro BuenoDragon Research Group (DRG) announced the white paper entitled "VNC: Threats and Countermeasures" :
2011-11-08/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft November 2011 Black Tuesday Overview
2011-11-08/a>Swa FrantzenAbobe November 2011 Black Tuesday Overview
2011-11-08/a>Swa FrantzenApple Black Tuesday
2011-11-03/a>Guy BruneauNovember 2011 Patch Tuesday Pre-release
2011-11-02/a>Russ McReeWireshark updates: 1.6.3 and 1.4.10 released
2011-11-01/a>Russ McReeSecure languages & frameworks
2011-10-26/a>Rick WannerCritical Control 17:Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises
2011-10-26/a>Rob VandenBrinkThe Theoretical "SSL Renegotiation" Issue gets a Whole Lot More Real !
2011-10-22/a>Guy BruneauOracle Java SE Critical Patch Update
2011-10-19/a>Mark HofmanOracle Critical Patch Update
2011-10-11/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft Black Tuesday Overview October 2011
2011-10-11/a>Swa FrantzenApple iTunes 10.5
2011-10-01/a>Mark HofmanHot on the heels fo FF, Thunderbird v 7.0.1 and SeaMonkey v 2.4.1 have been updated.
2011-09-28/a>Richard PorterAll Along the ARP Tower!
2011-09-21/a>Swa FrantzenEmergency patch expected for Flash Player
2011-09-19/a>Guy BruneauMS Security Advisory Update - Fraudulent DigiNotar Certificates
2011-09-18/a>Guy BruneauGoogle Chrome Security Updates
2011-09-13/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft September 2011 Black Tuesday
2011-09-13/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe September 2011 Black Tuesday overview
2011-09-09/a>Guy BruneauAdobe plan to release critical security updates next Tuesday for Acrobat and Reader
2011-09-09/a>Johannes UllrichEarly Patch Tuesday Today: Microsoft September 2011 Patches
2011-09-09/a>Guy BruneauApple Certificate Trust Policy Update
2011-09-09/a>Guy BruneauAdobe Publish its List of Trusted Root Certificate -
2011-09-08/a>Rob VandenBrinkShould We Still Test Patches?
2011-09-08/a>Rob VandenBrinkWhen Good CA's go Bad: Other Things to Check in Your Datacenter
2011-09-08/a>Mark HofmanMicrosoft has released their advanced notification for patch Tuesday. 15 Vulnerabilities to be addressed. more here -->
2011-09-06/a>Guy BruneauFirefox 6.0.2 released to removed trust to DigiNotar certificate authority
2011-09-05/a>Raul SilesJava 7 Officially Released
2011-08-31/a>Johannes UllrichFirefox/Thunderbird 6.0.1 released to blocklist bad DigiNotar SSL certificates
2011-08-30/a>Johannes UllrichApache patch out for "byte range" DoS vulnerability
2011-08-24/a>Rob VandenBrinkCitrix Access Gateway Cross Site Scripting vulnerability and fix ==>
2011-08-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkPutting all of Your Eggs in One Basket - or How NOT to do Layoffs
2011-08-16/a>Johannes UllrichWhat are the most dangerous web applications and how to secure them?
2011-08-14/a>Guy BruneauFireCAT 2.0 Released
2011-08-09/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft August 2011 Black Tuesday Overview
2011-08-09/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe August 2011 Black Tuesday Overview
2011-08-05/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Advance Notification: 13 Bulletins coming
2011-07-29/a>Richard PorterApple Lion talking on TCP 5223
2011-07-28/a>Johannes UllrichAnnouncing: The "404 Project"
2011-07-23/a>Johannes UllrichApple Battery Firmware Default Password
2011-07-15/a>Deborah HaleApple Software Updates
2011-07-12/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft July 2011 Black Tuesday Overview
2011-07-07/a>Rob VandenBrink"There's a Patch for that" (or maybe not)
2011-07-06/a>Rob VandenBrink"Too Important to Patch" - Wait? What?
2011-07-05/a>Raul SilesHelping Developers Understand Security - Spot the Vuln
2011-06-28/a>Johannes UllrichUpdate: Thunderbird 5.0 released.
2011-06-28/a>Johannes UllrichUpdate: Google Chrome 12.0.742.112 released
2011-06-23/a>Jim ClausingApple Security Updates 2011-004
2011-06-22/a>Guy BruneauHow Good is your Employee Termination Policy?
2011-06-21/a>Chris MohanStartSSL, a web authentication authority, suspend services after a security breach
2011-06-14/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe releases patches
2011-06-14/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft June 2011 Black Tuesday Overview
2011-06-09/a>Richard PorterChrome Version 12.0.742.91 Released
2011-06-06/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezPhishing: Same goal, same techniques and people still falling for such scams
2011-06-01/a>Adrien de BeaupreWireshark 1.4.7 and 1.2.17 Released -
2011-05-20/a>Guy BruneauSysinternals Updates, Analyzing Stuxnet Infection with Sysinternals Tools Part 3
2011-05-18/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAndroid, HTTP and authentication tokens
2011-05-16/a>Jason LamFirefox 3.5 forced upgrade coming soon
2011-05-10/a>Swa FrantzenMay 2011 Microsoft Black Tuesday Overview
2011-05-06/a>Richard PorterUpdated Exploit Index for Microsoft
2011-05-04/a>Richard PorterMicrosoft Sysinterals Update
2011-05-01/a>Deborah HaleJava 6.25 Is Now Available
2011-04-28/a>Chris MohanDSL Reports advise 9,000 accounts were compromised
2011-04-26/a>John BambenekIs the Insider Threat Really Over?
2011-04-25/a>Rob VandenBrinkSony PlayStation Network Outage - Day 5
2011-04-22/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezIn-house developed applications: The constant headache for the information security officer
2011-04-21/a>Guy BruneauAdobe Reader and Acrobat Security Updates
2011-04-20/a>Daniel WesemannData Breach Investigations Report published by Verizon
2011-04-14/a>Adrien de BeaupreSysinternals updates, a new blog post, and webcast
2011-04-11/a>Jim ClausingApril 2011 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2011-04-08/a>Johannes UllrichDark Black Tuesday Coming Up: 17 Microsoft Bulletins
2011-04-03/a>Richard PorterExtreme Disclosure? Not yet but a great trend!
2011-03-29/a>Daniel WesemannMalware emails with fake cellphone invoice
2011-03-22/a>Kevin ShorttAdobe Reader/Acrobat Security Update -
2011-03-21/a>Kevin ShorttAPPLE-SA-2011-03-21-1 Mac OS X v10.6.7 and Security Update 2011-001
2011-03-09/a>Chris MohanPossible Issue with Forefront Update KB2508823
2011-03-08/a>Jim ClausingMarch 2011 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2011-03-07/a>Bojan ZdrnjaOracle padding attacks (Codegate crypto 400 writeup)
2011-03-02/a>Chris MohanMicrosoft’s Autorun update v2.1 now automatically deployed from Windows Update
2011-02-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreKaspersky update servers unreachable
2011-02-14/a>Lorna HutchesonNetwork Visualization
2011-02-09/a>Mark HofmanAdobe Patches (shockwave, Flash, Reader & Coldfusion)
2011-02-08/a>Joel EslerFeburary 2011 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2011-02-05/a>Guy BruneauOpenSSH Legacy Certificate Information Disclosure Vulnerability
2011-02-04/a>Daniel WesemannOh, just click "yes"
2011-02-04/a>Daniel WesemannBusy patch tuesday ahead
2011-01-27/a>Chris CarboniOpera Updates
2011-01-23/a>Richard PorterCrime is still Crime!
2011-01-18/a>Daniel WesemannOracle Patches (Jan2011 CPU)
2011-01-13/a>Rob VandenBrinkBlackberry BES Server Updates for PDF Vulnerabilities
2011-01-12/a>Richard PorterHow Many Loyalty Cards do you Carry?
2011-01-12/a>Richard PorterYet Another Data Broker? AOL Lifestream.
2011-01-11/a>Kevin ShorttJanuary 2011 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2011-01-08/a>Guy BruneauJanuary 2011 Patch Tuesday Pre-release
2010-12-25/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezAn interesting vulnerability playground to learn application vulnerabilities
2010-12-23/a>Mark HofmanWhite house greeting cards
2010-12-20/a>Guy BruneauPatch Issues with Outlook 2007
2010-12-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezVulnerability in the PDF distiller of the BlackBerry Attachment Service
2010-12-14/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezDecember 2010 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-12-12/a>Raul SilesNew trend regarding web application vulnerabilities?
2010-12-10/a>Mark HofmanMicrosoft patches
2010-12-03/a>Mark HofmanAVG Update Bricking windows 7 64 bit
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonSQL Injection: Wordpress 3.0.2 released
2010-12-02/a>Kevin JohnsonProFTPD distribution servers compromised
2010-11-30/a>Joel EslerVMWare Security Advisory
2010-11-29/a>Stephen HallSun security updates
2010-11-24/a>Bojan ZdrnjaPrivilege escalation 0-day in almost all Windows versions
2010-11-16/a>Guy BruneauMac OS X Server v10.6.5 (10H575) Security Update:
2010-11-16/a>Guy BruneauAcrobat and Adobe Reader Security Update
2010-11-12/a>Guy BruneauScripting with Unix Date
2010-11-09/a>Johannes UllrichNovember 2010 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-11-04/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patches Pre-Announcement
2010-10-22/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezIntypedia project
2010-10-12/a>Adrien de BeaupreOctober 2010 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-10-08/a>Rick WannerPatch Tuesday Pre-release -- 16 updates
2010-10-03/a>Adrien de BeaupreCanada's Cyber Security Strategy released today
2010-09-30/a>Pedro BuenoMS OOB .NET patch is now also available via Windows Update.
2010-09-28/a>Daniel WesemannMS10-070 OOB Patch for ASP.NET vulnerability
2010-09-27/a>Adrien de BeaupreMS OOB patch tomorrow for Security Advisory 2416728
2010-09-26/a>Daniel WesemannEgosurfing, the corporate way
2010-09-25/a>Rick WannerGuest Diary: Andrew Hunt - Visualizing the Hosting Patterns of Modern Cybercriminals
2010-09-21/a>Johannes UllrichImplementing two Factor Authentication on the Cheap
2010-09-14/a>Adrien de BeaupreSeptember 2010 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-09-12/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezAdobe Acrobat pushstring Memory Corruption paper
2010-08-29/a>Swa FrantzenDLL hijacking - what are you doing ?
2010-08-25/a>Pedro BuenoAdobe released security update for Shockwave player that fix several CVEs: APSB1020
2010-08-23/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezFirefox plugins to perform penetration testing activities
2010-08-19/a>Rob VandenBrinkDon points us to multiple Adobe updates (Reader and Acrobat 9.3.4 among them) ==>
2010-08-18/a>Guy BruneauAdobe out-of-cycle Updates
2010-08-16/a>Raul SilesDDOS: State of the Art
2010-08-16/a>Raul SilesBlind Elephant: A New Web Application Fingerprinting Tool
2010-08-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezObfuscated SQL Injection attacks
2010-08-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezPython to test web application security
2010-08-13/a>Tom ListonThe Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. ED
2010-08-10/a>Jason LamAdobe critical security updates
2010-08-10/a>Jim ClausingAugust 2010 Micrsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-08-10/a>Daniel WesemannNew Apple security updates for iPad/Pod/Phone. See
2010-08-07/a>Stephen HallCountdown to Tuesday...
2010-08-02/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Out-of-Band bulletin addresses LNK/Shortcut vulnerability
2010-07-29/a>Rob VandenBrinkThe 2010 Verizon Data Breach Report is Out
2010-07-24/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezTransmiting logon information unsecured in the network
2010-07-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreUpdate on .LNK vulnerability
2010-07-18/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezSAGAN: An open-source event correlation system - Part 1: Installation
2010-07-15/a>Deborah HaleBe on the Alert
2010-07-13/a>Jim ClausingJuly 2010 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-07-13/a>Jim ClausingVMware Studio Security Update
2010-07-08/a>Kyle HaugsnessPirate Bay account database compromised
2010-07-07/a>Kevin ShorttFacebook, Facebook, What Do YOU See?
2010-07-02/a>Johannes UllrichOISF released version 1.0.0 of Suricata, the open source IDS/IPS engine
2010-06-29/a>donald smithAdobe Reader 9.3.3/8.2.3 addressing CVE-2010-1297
2010-06-26/a>Guy Bruneausocat to Simulate a Website
2010-06-18/a>Adrien de BeaupreDistributed SSH Brute Force Attempts on the rise again
2010-06-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezTCP evasions for IDS/IPS
2010-06-15/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaeziPhone 4 Order Security Breach Exposes Private Information
2010-06-14/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezAnother way to get protection for application-level attacks
2010-06-14/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezRogue facebook application acting like a worm
2010-06-08/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezJune 2010 Microsoft Black Tuesday Summary
2010-06-06/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezNice OS X exploit tutorial
2010-06-05/a>Guy BruneauSecurity Advisory for Flash Player, Adobe Reader and Acrobat
2010-06-03/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft Patch Tuesday June 2010 Pre-Release
2010-06-02/a>Rob VandenBrinkSPAM pretending to be from Habitat for Humanity
2010-05-22/a>Rick WannerSANS 2010 Digital Forensics Summit - APT Based Forensic Challenge
2010-05-12/a>Rob VandenBrinkAdobe Shockwave Update
2010-05-12/a>Rob VandenBrinkLayer 2 Security - Private VLANs (the Story Continues ...)
2010-05-11/a>Scott FendleyMay 2010 Microsoft Patches
2010-05-08/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft Patch Tuesday May 2010 Pre-Release
2010-05-04/a>Rick WannerSIFT review in the ISSA Toolsmith
2010-04-27/a>Rob VandenBrinkLayer 2 Security - L2TPv3 for Disaster Recovery Sites
2010-04-22/a>Deborah HaleHow McAfee turned a Disaster Exercise Into a REAL Learning Experience for Our Community Disaster Team
2010-04-22/a>John BambenekData Redaction: You're Doing it Wrong
2010-04-21/a>Guy BruneauMcAfee DAT 5958 Update Issues
2010-04-21/a>Guy BruneauGoogle Chrome Security Update v4.1.249.1059 Released:
2010-04-20/a>Raul SilesAre You Ready for a Transportation Collapse...?
2010-04-14/a>Mark HofmanAnd let the patching games continue
2010-04-14/a>Mark HofmanOracle has released 47 critical patches (Includes SUN patches)
2010-04-13/a>Adrien de BeaupreWeb App Testing Tools
2010-04-13/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft April 2010 Patch Tuesday
2010-04-13/a>Adrien de BeaupreSecurity update available for Adobe Reader and Acrobat
2010-04-08/a>Bojan ZdrnjaJavaScript obfuscation in PDF: Sky is the limit
2010-04-08/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft Patch Tuesday April 2010 Pre-Release
2010-04-06/a>Daniel WesemannApplication Logs
2010-04-04/a>Mari NicholsFinancial Management of Cyber Risk
2010-04-02/a>Guy BruneauSecurity Advisory for ESX Service Console
2010-04-02/a>Guy BruneauFoxit Reader Security Update
2010-04-02/a>Guy BruneauOracle Java SE and Java for Business Critical Patch Update Advisory
2010-03-29/a>Adrien de BeaupreAPPLE-SA-2010-03-29-1 Security Update 2010-002 / Mac OS X v10.6.3
2010-03-29/a>Pedro BuenoMicrosoft to release out-of-band security bulletin tomorrow for IE6/IE7 with cumulative fix.
2010-03-29/a>Adrien de BeaupreOOB Update for Internet Explorer MS10-018
2010-03-27/a>Guy BruneauHP-UX Running NFS/ONCplus, Inadvertently Enabled NFS
2010-03-22/a>Guy BruneauNew Opera 10.51 available with security fixes. More information available at:
2010-03-21/a>Scott FendleySkipfish - Web Application Security Tool
2010-03-15/a>Adrien de BeaupreSpamassassin Milter Plugin Remote Root Attack
2010-03-12/a>Mark HofmanFirefox 3.6 is being pushed out to users.
2010-03-11/a>Mark HofmanA new version of Safari is out. Looks like for Mac and Windows. Plenty of security fixes (mostly for Windows Safari users )
2010-03-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft re-release of KB973811 - attacks on Extended Protection for Authentication
2010-03-09/a>John BambenekMarch 2010 - Microsoft Patch Tuesday Diary
2010-03-08/a>Raul SilesSamurai WTF 0.8
2010-03-08/a>Raul SilesMicrosoft announced two important bulletins (fixing multiple vulns. affecting Windows and Office) for tomorrow:
2010-03-06/a>Tony CarothersIntegration and the Security of New Technologies
2010-03-05/a>Kyle HaugsnessJavascript obfuscators used in the wild
2010-03-03/a>Mark HofmanMS10-015 re-released
2010-03-01/a>Mark HofmanMicrosoft will drop support for Vista (without any Service Packs) on April 13 and support for XP SP2 ends July 13. (i.e. no more security updates). If you are still running these, it it time to update.
2010-02-27/a>Guy BruneauPHP 5.2.13 Security Update
2010-02-22/a>Rob VandenBrinkNew Risks in Penetration Testing
2010-02-21/a>Patrick Nolan Looking for "more useful" malware information? Help develop the format.
2010-02-20/a>Mari NicholsIs "Green IT" Defeating Security?
2010-02-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkDefining Clouds - " A Cloud by any Other Name Would be a Lot Less Confusing"
2010-02-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkMultiple Security Updates for ESX 3.x and ESXi 3.x
2010-02-16/a>Robert DanfordAdobe Updates:
2010-02-11/a>Johannes UllrichMS10-015 may cause Windows XP to blue screen
2010-02-11/a>Deborah HaleThe Mysterious Blue Screen
2010-02-10/a>Marcus SachsDatacenters and Directory Traversals
2010-02-09/a>Mark HofmanOracle has an unscheduled security alert and patch for CVE-2010-0073. The issue affects WebLogic Server and is remotely exploitable. Details and patch are here
2010-02-09/a>Johannes UllrichFebruary 2010 Black Tuesday Overview
2010-02-05/a>Jim ClausingMemory Analysis - time to move beyond XP
2010-02-04/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Pre-Release
2010-01-29/a>Johannes UllrichAnalyzing weblogs, part 2, RFI attacks
2010-01-29/a>Adrien de BeaupreNeo-legacy applications
2010-01-24/a>Pedro BuenoOutdated client applications
2010-01-21/a>Chris CarboniSecurity Update Available for Shockwave Player
2010-01-21/a>Chris Carboni* Microsoft Out Of Band Patch Release
2010-01-21/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft January Out of Band Patch
2010-01-12/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Security Bulletin: January 2010
2010-01-12/a>Johannes UllrichOracle Patches Relased
2010-01-12/a>Johannes UllrichPre-Announced Adobe Reader and Acrobat Patch Found!
2010-01-07/a>Daniel WesemannStatic analysis of malicious PDFs
2010-01-07/a>Daniel WesemannStatic analysis of malicous PDFs (Part #2)
2010-01-06/a>Guy BruneauFirefox security and stability update for version 3.5.7 and 3.0.17 available for download
2009-12-19/a>Deborah HaleEducationing Our Communities
2009-12-16/a>Rob VandenBrinkSeamonkey Update to 2.0.1, find the release notes here ==>
2009-12-09/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe flash player and air patched
2009-12-08/a>Deborah HaleDecember 2009 Black Tuesday Overview
2009-12-07/a>Rick WannerCheat Sheet: Analyzing Malicious Documents
2009-12-03/a>Mark HofmanApple released some Java updates today APPLE-SA-2009-12-03-1 & 2 (for 10.5 and 10.6). Fixes a number of security issues so updating is a good idea.
2009-12-03/a>Mark HofmanNext week will be a big patch week - Adobe is also releasing patches "Adobe is planning to release an update for Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions, and an update to Adobe AIR 1.5.2 and earlier versions, to resolve critical security issues
2009-12-02/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft Black Screen of Death - Fact of Fiction?
2009-12-02/a>Rob VandenBrinkSPAM and Malware taking advantage of H1N1 concerns
2009-11-29/a>Patrick Nolan A Cloudy Weekend
2009-11-25/a>Jim ClausingTool updates
2009-11-25/a>Jim ClausingMicrosoft Updates requiring reboot
2009-11-25/a>Jim ClausingUpdates to my GREM Gold scripts and a new script
2009-11-21/a>Mark HofmanVMware vCenter and ESX updates available
2009-11-13/a>Deborah HaleIt's Never Too Early To Start Teaching Them
2009-11-13/a>Adrien de BeaupreTLS & SSLv3 renegotiation vulnerability explained
2009-11-13/a>Adrien de BeaupreConficker patch via email?
2009-11-11/a>Rob VandenBrinkLayer 2 Network Protections against Man in the Middle Attacks
2009-11-11/a>Rob VandenBrinkApple Safari 4.0.4 Released
2009-11-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft November Black Tuesday Overview
2009-11-09/a>Guy BruneauApple Security Update 2009-006 for Mac OS X v10.6.2
2009-11-06/a>Mark HofmanA new version of Firefox (3.5.5) just became available. According to the release notes they are stability improvements.
2009-11-05/a>Swa FrantzenInsider threat: The snapnames case
2009-11-02/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft releases v1.02 of Enhanced Mitigation Evaluation Toolkit (EMET)
2009-10-28/a>Johannes UllrichFirefox 3.5.4 released. Lots of security bug fixes. (thanks Gilbert!)
2009-10-27/a>Rob VandenBrinkNew VMware Desktop Products Released (Workstation, Fusion, ACE)
2009-10-22/a>Adrien de BeaupreSysinternals updates: Disk2vhd v1.1, ZoomIt v4.1, Coreinfo v2.0, VMMap v2.4
2009-10-20/a>Raul SilesWASC 2008 Statistics
2009-10-19/a>Daniel WesemannBacked up, lately ?
2009-10-16/a>Adrien de BeaupreDisable MS09-054 patch, or Firefox Plugin?
2009-10-13/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft October 2009 Black Tuesday Overview
2009-10-13/a>Daniel WesemannAdobe Reader and Acrobat - Black Tuesday continues
2009-10-09/a>Rob VandenBrinkTHAWTE to discontinue free Email Certificate Services and Web of Trust Service
2009-10-04/a>Guy BruneauSamba Security Information Disclosure and DoS
2009-09-27/a>Stephen HallUse Emerging Threats signatures? READ THIS!
2009-09-24/a>Jim ClausingA couple more tools
2009-09-20/a>Mari NicholsInsider Threat and Security Awareness
2009-09-16/a>Raul SilesReview the security controls of your Web Applications... all them!
2009-09-08/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft September 2009 Black Tuesday Overview
2009-09-07/a>Lorna HutchesonEncrypting Data
2009-09-04/a>Adrien de BeaupreSeaMonkey Security Update
2009-08-28/a>Adrien de BeaupreWPA with TKIP done
2009-08-19/a>Daniel WesemannChecking your protection
2009-08-11/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft August 2009 Black Tuesday Overview
2009-08-05/a>donald smithSecurity Update 2009-003 / Mac OS X v10.5.8
2009-08-04/a>donald smithJava Security Update
2009-07-31/a>Deborah HaleDon't forget to tell your SysAdmin Thanks
2009-07-31/a>Deborah HaleThe iPhone patch is out
2009-07-30/a>Mark HofmanHappy patching day
2009-07-28/a>Adrien de BeaupreYYAMCCBA
2009-07-28/a>Adrien de BeaupreMS released two OOB bulletins and an advisory
2009-07-27/a>Raul SilesNew Hacker Challenge: Prison Break - Breaking, Entering & Decoding
2009-07-26/a>Jim ClausingNew Volatility plugins
2009-07-24/a>Rick WannerMicrosoft Out of Band Patch
2009-07-23/a>John BambenekMissouri Passes Breach Notification Law: Gap Still Exists for Banking Account Information
2009-07-18/a>Patrick NolanChrome update contains Security fixes
2009-07-17/a>John BambenekCross-Platform, Cross-Browser DoS Vulnerability
2009-07-14/a>Swa FrantzenOracle Black Tuesday
2009-07-14/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft July Black Tuesday Overview
2009-07-14/a>Swa FrantzenISC DHCP client updated
2009-07-13/a>Adrien de Beaupre* Infocon raised to yellow for Excel Web Components ActiveX vulnerability
2009-07-10/a>Guy BruneauWordPress Fixes Multiple vulnerabilities
2009-07-09/a>John BambenekLatest Updates on Ongoing DDoS on Governmental/Commercial Websites in USA and S. Korea
2009-07-02/a>Daniel WesemannTime to update updating on PCs for 3rd party apps
2009-07-02/a>Daniel WesemannUnpatched Bloatware on new PCs
2009-06-30/a>Chris CarboniObfuscated Code
2009-06-30/a>Chris CarboniDe-Obfuscation Submissions
2009-06-23/a>Bojan ZdrnjaNew Thunderbird out, patches couple of vulnerabilities
2009-06-21/a>Bojan ZdrnjaApache HTTP DoS tool mitigation
2009-06-11/a>Rick WannerWHO Declares Flu A(H1N1) a Pandemic
2009-06-10/a>Swa FrantzenJava 6 update 14 released
2009-06-09/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft June Black Tuesday Overview
2009-06-09/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe June Black Tuesday upgrades
2009-06-04/a>Raul SilesTargeted e-mail attacks asking to verify wire transfer details
2009-06-04/a>Raul SilesMalware targetting banks ATM's
2009-06-02/a>Deborah HaleAnother Quicktime Update
2009-05-29/a>Lorna HutchesonBlackberry Server Vulnerability
2009-05-29/a>Lorna HutchesonVMWare Patches Released
2009-05-28/a>Jim ClausingMore new volatility plugins
2009-05-26/a>Jason LamA new Web application security blog
2009-05-26/a>Jason LamVista & Win2K8 SP2 available
2009-05-24/a>Raul SilesAnalyzing malicious PDF documents
2009-05-22/a>Mark HofmanPatching and Adobe
2009-05-22/a>Mark HofmanPatching and Apple - Java issue
2009-05-20/a>Tom ListonWeb Toolz
2009-05-15/a>Daniel WesemannWarranty void if seal shredded?
2009-05-12/a>Swa FrantzenMSFT's version of responsible disclosure
2009-05-12/a>Swa FrantzenMay Black Tuesday Overview
2009-05-12/a>Swa FrantzenApple patches and updates
2009-05-12/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe Acrobat (reader) patches released
2009-05-04/a>Tom ListonAdobe Reader/Acrobat Critical Vulnerability
2009-04-29/a>Jason LamTwo Adobe 0-day vulnerabilities
2009-04-24/a>John BambenekData Leak Prevention: Proactive Security Requirements of Breach Notification Laws
2009-04-21/a>Bojan ZdrnjaWeb application vulnerabilities
2009-04-20/a>Jason LamDigital Content on TV
2009-04-15/a>Marcus Sachs2009 Data Breach Investigation Report
2009-04-14/a>Swa FrantzenApril Black Tuesday Overview
2009-04-14/a>Swa FrantzenOracle quarterly patches
2009-04-07/a>Bojan ZdrnjaAdvanced JavaScript obfuscation (or why signature scanning is a failure)
2009-04-02/a>Bojan ZdrnjaJavaScript insertion and log deletion attack tools
2009-03-26/a>Mark HofmanSanitising media
2009-03-20/a>donald smithStealthier then a MBR rootkit, more powerful then ring 0 control, it’s the soon to be developed SMM root kit.
2009-03-20/a>Stephen HallMaking the most of your runbooks
2009-03-18/a>Adrien de BeaupreAdobe Security Bulletin Adobe Reader and Acrobat
2009-03-10/a>Swa FrantzenMarch black Tuesday overview
2009-03-10/a>Swa FrantzenAdobe Acrobat 9.1 released
2009-03-02/a>Swa FrantzenObama's leaked chopper blueprints: anything we can learn?
2009-03-01/a>Jim ClausingCool combination of tools
2009-02-25/a>Andre LudwigAdobe Acrobat pdf 0-day exploit, No JavaScript needed!
2009-02-25/a>Andre LudwigAdobe flash player patch
2009-02-25/a>Swa FrantzenTargeted link diversion attempts
2009-02-25/a>donald smithAutoRun disabling patch released
2009-02-12/a>Mark HofmanAustralian Bushfires
2009-02-10/a>Swa FrantzenFebruary Black Tuesday Overview
2009-02-10/a>Swa FrantzenJava up to date ?
2009-02-06/a>Adrien de BeaupreTime to patch your HP printers
2009-02-06/a>Adrien de BeaupreOther patches and updates du jour...
2009-02-04/a>Daniel WesemannFirefox 3.0.6
2009-02-03/a>Swa FrantzenOn the importance of patching fast
2009-01-31/a>Swa FrantzenVMware updates
2009-01-30/a>Mark HofmanWe all "Love" USB drives
2009-01-30/a>Mark HofmanRequest for info - Scan and webmail
2009-01-25/a>Rick WannerTwam?? Twammers?
2009-01-20/a>Adrien de BeaupreObamamania
2009-01-18/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckTargeted social engineering
2009-01-13/a>Johannes UllrichJanuary Black Tuesday Overview
2009-01-12/a>William SaluskyWeb Application Firewalls (WAF) - Have you deployed WAF technology?
2009-01-02/a>Mark HofmanBlocking access to MD5 signed certs
2008-12-28/a>Raul SilesLevel3 Outage?
2008-12-25/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckChristmas Ecard Malware
2008-12-17/a>donald smithTeam CYMRU's Malware Hash Registry
2008-12-17/a>donald smithOpera 9.6.3 released with security fixes
2008-12-17/a>donald smithInternet Explorer 960714 is released
2008-12-16/a>donald smithMicrosoft announces an out of band patch for IE zero day
2008-12-09/a>Swa FrantzenDecember Black Tuesday Overview
2008-12-03/a>Andre LudwigNew ISC Poll! Has your organization suffered a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack in the last year?
2008-11-29/a>Pedro BuenoUbuntu users: Time to update!
2008-11-25/a>Andre LudwigThe beginnings of a collaborative approach to IDS
2008-11-20/a>Jason LamLarge quantity SQL Injection mitigation
2008-11-17/a>Jim ClausingFinding stealth injected DLLs
2008-11-13/a>Jim ClausingSome recently updated tools
2008-11-11/a>Swa FrantzenAcrobat continued activity in the wild
2008-11-11/a>Swa FrantzenNovember Black Tuesday Overview
2008-10-23/a>Mark HofmanMicrosoft out-of-band patch - Severity Critical
2008-10-21/a>Johannes UllrichWireshark 1.0.4 released
2008-10-14/a>Swa FrantzenOctober Black Tuesday Overview
2008-10-14/a>Swa FrantzenOracle quarterly patches on black tuesday
2008-10-10/a>Marcus SachsFake Microsoft Update Email
2008-09-29/a>Daniel WesemannPatchbag: WinZip / MPlayer / RealWin SCADA vuln
2008-09-22/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckData exfiltration and the use of anonymity providers
2008-09-20/a>Rick WannerNew (to me) nmap Features
2008-09-11/a>David GoldsmithCookieMonster is coming to Pown (err, Town)
2008-09-10/a>Adrien de BeaupreApple updates iPod Touch + Bonjour for Windows
2008-09-09/a>Swa FrantzenApple updates iTunes+QuickTime
2008-09-09/a>Swa FrantzenGoogle Chrome being polished
2008-09-09/a>Swa FrantzenSeptember 2008 Black Tuesday Overview
2008-09-08/a>Raul SilesQuick Analysis of the 2007 Web Application Security Statistics
2008-09-07/a>Daniel WesemannStaying current, but not too current
2008-09-03/a>Daniel WesemannStatic analysis of Shellcode - Part 2
2008-08-25/a>John BambenekThoughts on the Best Western Compromise
2008-08-20/a>Adrien de BeaupreFrom the mailbag, Opera 9.52...
2008-08-12/a>Stephen HallAugust 2008 Black Tuesday Overview
2008-08-10/a>Stephen HallFrom lolly pops to afterglow
2008-08-03/a>Deborah HaleSecuring A Network - Lessons Learned
2008-08-01/a>Swa FrantzenApple's Security Update 2008-005: DNS workaround finally included
2008-07-30/a>David GoldsmithSerious 0-Day Flaw in Oracle -- Patch Released
2008-07-18/a>Adrien de BeaupreExit process?
2008-07-16/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckFirefox fixes two security vulnerabilities
2008-07-15/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckOracle (and BEA, Hyperion and TimesTen) critical patch update July 15th, 2008
2008-07-15/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckBlackBerry PDF parsing vulnerability
2008-07-14/a>Daniel WesemannObfuscated JavaScript Redux
2008-07-11/a>Jim ClausingUpdates to some of our favorite tools
2008-07-09/a>Johannes UllrichUnpatched Word Vulnerability
2008-07-08/a>Swa FrantzenJuly 2008 black tuesday overview
2008-07-07/a>Pedro BuenoBad url classification
2008-06-24/a>Jason LamSQL Injection mitigation in ASP
2008-06-24/a>Jason LamAdobe Reader and Acrobat 8.1.2 Security Update
2008-06-13/a>Johannes UllrichFloods: More of the same (2)
2008-06-10/a>Swa FrantzenJune 2008 Black Tuesday Overview
2008-06-02/a>Jim and ThePlanet
2008-05-26/a>Marcus SachsPredictable Response
2008-05-17/a>Jim ClausingDisaster donation scams continue
2008-05-13/a>Swa FrantzenMay 2008 black tuesday overview
2008-05-07/a>Jim ClausingMore on automated exploit generation
2008-05-05/a>John BambenekDefenses Against Automated Patch-Based Exploit Generation
2008-04-24/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckTargeted attacks using malicious PDF files
2008-04-20/a>Joel EslerSoftware Update -- Did Apple Do Enough?
2008-04-18/a>John BambenekThe Patch Window is Gone: Automated Patch-Based Exploit Generation
2008-04-09/a>Joel EslerISC Podcast Episode Number 2
2008-04-08/a>Swa FrantzenApril 2008 - Black Tuesday Overview
2008-04-08/a>Swa FrantzenNotes file viewer vulnerabilities
2008-04-07/a>John BambenekHP USB Keys Shipped with Malware for your Proliant Server
2008-04-06/a>Daniel WesemannAdvanced obfuscated JavaScript analysis
2008-04-03/a>Bojan ZdrnjaMixed (VBScript and JavaScript) obfuscation
2008-03-30/a>Mark HofmanMail Anyone?
2008-03-27/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckGuarding the guardians: a story of PGP key ring theft
2008-03-20/a>Joel EslerAPPLE-SA-2008-03-19 AirPort Extreme Base Station Firmware 7.3.1
2008-03-20/a>Joel EslerPotential Vulnerability in Flash CS3 Professional, Flash Professional 8 and Flash Basic 8?
2008-03-11/a>Swa FrantzenMarch Black Tuesday Overview
2008-02-12/a>Swa FrantzenFebruary Black Tuesday Overview
2008-01-08/a>Swa FrantzenJanuary Black Tuesday overview
2007-12-11/a>Swa FrantzenDecember black tuesday overview
2007-11-13/a>Swa Frantzennovember black tuesday overview
2007-10-09/a>Swa FrantzenOctober Black Tuesday overview
2007-09-11/a>Swa FrantzenSeptember microsoft patch overview
2007-08-14/a>Swa FrantzenAugust 'Black Tuesday' overview
2007-07-10/a>Swa FrantzenJuly 'Black Tuesday' overview
2007-06-12/a>Johannes UllrichJune 2007, Microsoft Patch Tuesday Overview.
2007-05-08/a>Swa FrantzenMay 2007, Black Tuesday patch overview
2007-04-10/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft black Tuesday patches - April 2007
2007-04-03/a>Swa Frantzen* Microsoft out of cycle patch
2007-02-13/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft Black Tuesday patches - February 2007
2007-01-09/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft Patches - January 2007 - overview
2007-01-03/a>Toby KohlenbergVLC Media Player udp URL handler Format String Vulnerability
2006-12-12/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft Black Tuesday - December 2006 overview
2006-12-12/a>Robert DanfordMS06-078: 2 Windows Media Format Vulnerabilities (CVE-2006-4702, CVE-2006-6134)
2006-12-12/a>Swa FrantzenOffline Microsoft Patching
2006-12-12/a>Swa FrantzenThe missing Microsoft patches
2006-11-29/a>Toby KohlenbergNew Adobe vulnerability
2006-11-14/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft Black Tuesday Overview
2006-10-09/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft black tuesday - October 2006 STATUS
2006-09-26/a>Jim ClausingMS06-049 re-release
2006-09-12/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft security patches for September 2006
2006-09-09/a>Jim ClausingNew feature at
2006-08-17/a>Swa FrantzenMicrosoft August 2006 Patches: STATUS


2020-04-27/a>Xavier MertensPowershell Payload Stored in a PSCredential Object
2018-03-03/a>Xavier MertensReminder: Beware of the "Cloud"
2017-09-05/a>Adrien de BeaupreStruts vulnerability patch released by apache, patch now
2016-07-03/a>Guy BruneauIs Data Privacy part of your Company's Culture?
2016-01-31/a>Guy BruneauWindows 10 and System Protection for DATA Default is OFF
2015-09-01/a>Daniel WesemannEncryption of "data at rest" in servers
2015-08-29/a>Tom WebbAutomating Metrics using RTIR REST API
2013-02-22/a>Johannes UllrichZendesk breach affects Tumblr/Pinterest/Twitter
2010-07-29/a>Rob VandenBrinkFBI, Slovenian and Spanish Police announce more arrests of Mariposa Botnet Creator, Operators
2010-06-07/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezSoftware Restriction Policy to keep malware away
2009-09-07/a>Lorna HutchesonEncrypting Data